Archives: Additional Lists of Ideas and Solutions To Help End Violence Against Women – 2011

Welcome to our archive page for additional lists of ideas and solutions to help end violence against women (VAW) throughout the year 2011! These articles were originally from our home website’s blog and we invite you visit our website where many more resources and information for understanding, preventing and stopping VAW is available.

Happy reading and sharing!

It’s time to stop violence against women. Together


10 Ways to Help Celebrate The Pixel Project’s Second Birthday

To help us celebrate our second birthday throughout this January, here are 10 simple ways you can immediately participate in micro-activism to help our cause to end violence against women get off to a great start in 2011. Ideas include joining us on Facebook and Twitter, sharing your stories of surviving violence or assisting victims and pledging to buy pixels to help us unveil our mystery Celebrity Male Role Models.



Activism 101: 10 Alternatives to Flowers This Mother’s Day

For those searching for an alternative to the flowers, chocolate and meal-out options, or perhaps for those who are searching for a meaningful way to commemorate Mother’s Day while supporting the cause to end violence against women, here are 10 alternatives to the traditional gift. Ideas include volunteering with your mother at the local women’s shelter, taking in a movie about violence against women, baking special Mother’s Day baked goodies for shelters and recommendations for books to read together.


10 Silver Lining Stories on Mother’s Day

This is a special Silver Lining series blog post sharing ten uplifting stories about using Mother’s Day as a catalyst for action on the issue of violence against women. Striking stories include actor Javier Bardem taking part in Mother’s Day celebrations to call for an end to Violence Against Women, a mobile spa in Michigan, and students and a moving company teaming up to collect toiletries and other essentials needed by women fleeing abusive homes for a fresh start.



Words That Paint A Picture: What is Violence Against Women?

We have written and talked about the many different types of violence against women. Today, we’re taking a different route – we’re using Wordle, a visual tool, to very literally paint a picture in words denoting the very many forms that violence against women take. We gathered these words from the content on our website and edited the list to combine similar words into one term (for example, raped, rape, and rapes became “rape”). Larger words occur with greater frequency on our site, but the size is by no means an indication of which crime is more important. All are equally heinous and all are equally deserving of our attention.


Words That Paint A Picture: The Impact of Violence Against Women

The impact of violence against women is severe and, like the violence itself, it takes many forms. And it could affect any girl or woman in your life – the victim or survivor could be your mother, your sister, your daughter, your niece, your grandmother, your aunt, your cousin, your co-worker, your classmate, your friend or even just a woman on the street. Take action today to stop the violence and heal lives. Even the smallest gesture such as picking up the phone to call for help for your neighbour or sending a friend helpline information helps. It’s time to stop violence against women. Together.


Words That Paint A Picture: Solutions to Violence Against Women

In this article, we focus on words that describe solutions to the problem. As you may notice, many of the words in this cloud are forms of communication. At The Pixel Project, we focus on communication and raising awareness, since talking openly about the issue of violence against women is the best way to inspire action.



Words That Paint A Picture: Pixel Project Actions To End Violence Against Women

We have posted word clouds, generated from the text on our website, that showed the scope andimpact of violence against women and that focused on solutions. This week, we thought we would focus on the actions that we have taken through The Pixel Project to educate, raise awareness, and help people take action to end violence against women.



Activism 101: 10 Ways to become a Humanitarian on World Humanitarian Day 2011

Every day humanitarian aid workers and advocates help millions of people around the world. They battle hunger, disease and violence against women in some of the most inhospitable situations, locations and climates and they continue to do so despite the risks of kidnappings, death threats, murder and other deadly and abusive behaviour from the communities they work within. In honour of World Humanitarian Day this year, we bring you 10 ideas to inspire you to take action and get involved with the cause to end violence against women (VAW) which is one of the biggest humanitarian crises in the world.