The Pixel Project’s 16 Best Blog Articles 2012

At The Pixel Project, we pride ourselves on our ability to draw attention to the many ways violence against women (VAW) affects the lives of women, men, girls, and boys around the world. We do so by sharing news stories from varied media sources through our e-news digest and by writing thoughtful and inspiring blog posts on our main website and our campaign micro-sites.

There is never a shortage of things to talk about here. From profiles of VAW activists to our regular Silver Lining posts, our wonderful 30 for 30 Father’s Day campaign interviews, and our exciting Music for Pixels campaign, we have spoken up about how people are making positive change on the issue of VAW. We have also provided articles listing ideas about how to get active on this issue. The dominant themes of this year’s selection reflect the diversity of the ways in which our campaigns have developed with music activism taking the lead. Continue reading

Activism 101: 16 Ways for Men To Step Up in the fight to end Violence Against Women

Today is the fourth day of the 16 Days campaign, and it is with great pleasure that we present a special 16 for 16 article from our partner, the White Ribbon Campaign. The White Ribbon Campaign is the biggest movement in the world of men and boys working to end violence against women. This year, they lost one of their founders and biggest Male Allies of the movement to end violence against women – Jack Layton. It is testimony to the vision of Mr. Layton and the other White Ribbon campaign co-founders that their vision for a world without gender-based violence continues to this day, carried on by Todd Minerson and his team in Canada and other strong male leaders around the world. For that, we thank them. Continue reading