16 Ways for Boys and Men to Take Action against Gender-based Violence in the Post-#MeToo World

We are pleased to welcome a guest “16 For 16” article from our partner, Breakthrough – a global human rights organisation working to make violence and discrimination against women and girls unacceptable. Their cutting-edge multimedia campaigns, community mobilisation, agenda setting, and leadership training equip men and women worldwide to challenge the status quo and take bold action for the dignity, equality, and justice of all.

This year, Breakthrough India shares a list of 16 actions that men and boys can take against gender-based violence in the post-#MeToo world.


Sexism and misogyny has existed for centuries and continues to survive. Even today, whenever there is a discussion about sexual harassment, we do not acknowledge the underlying mindsets that perpetuate discrimination and violence against women. Sexual harassment is still viewed as a perpetrator’s individual behavioural problem. In the wake of the global #MeToo movement, it was heartening to see how many women and men have found solidarity on social media while sharing their experiences of sexual harassment and assault, many of whom had never even either been able to process or acknowledge these ugly experiences.

Unsurprisingly, on the other side, there has been backlash in abundance, with arguments invariably veering into standard Whataboutery like “Why is she speaking out now?” and “Does she want publicity?” when women come forward. We have witnessed arguments that focused on the graveness of sexual violations as the only deciding factors rather than challenging certain existing norms that allow the society to NOT believe a woman’s account of sexual harassment. #MeToo signifies a historic global moment when men are finally put under the microscope for their internalised behaviour towards women and other genders. However, very few genuine voices of reflection and acknowledgement have come forward, and even fewer confessions.

A year later, as India grapples with our own #MeToo reckoning, we continue to search for solutions towards which are beyond asking cis-hetero men not to assault women, or not to tell sexist jokes. Yet all is not lost and while there is still a long way to go, it is now time to dig deeper by asking: What can men and boys do to stop perpetuating gender biases, toxic masculinity and internalised misogyny? We need to take the movement to communities and move it beyond conversations and translate them to actions.

For this year’s 16 Days Of Activism, we present to boys and men a 16-step plan for you to end violence against women (VAW) and create a culture of gender equality:


Actions For Boys and Men #1: Be an ally without hesitation

To many boys and men, being an ally may seem daunting even though there is an urgent need for you to be an ally to the anti-VAW movement and to the women and girls around you. If you are a beginner, find other male allies and join the fight together. If you are already an ally, you know that the benefits of gender diversity and equity are many for not just women but also men. However, it’s time to move away from the narrative of self-gain and focus on the greater good that your contribution can bring. Also make sure you understand the fine line between being a true ally and appropriating women’s voices. Oftentimes, being a silent ally who stands behind and provides support is actually much more beneficial than trying to play the saviour.

Actions For Boys and Men #2: Call out gender-based discrimination and violence

Your silence on the issues of gender-based discrimination and violence makes you complicit. Recognise that your privilege allows you to call out sexism and blatant misogyny around you. So call out other men for the use of problematic violent language against women, children, minorities or in general (eg: “What a fucking bitch”, “Man we just got raped in today’s game”, “Fucking cunts” etc). Furthermore, when you see your friends making sexist jokes and comments, call them out. You will probably be labeled as “the guy who takes these things too seriously” but embarrassing as that is, use it as a teachable moment for yourself because women have always been shut down by this kind of rebuke when they speak out.

Actions For Boys and Men #3: Do not be a silent bystander

When you stay silent while witnessing any form of gender-based discrimination and violence, sexist behaviour and problematic narrative-building, know that your silence is only going to harm the person suffering from it. Bystander intervention has shown to be one of the most effective deterrents of VAW. Call on other bystanders to intervene together. Your voice and support will have an impact.

Actions For Boys and Men #4: Talk to your sons, brothers, nephews and younger friends

Cis-hetero men and their relationships with other men and boys are often infected with a lack of emotional openness. This is your time to start talking to your sons, your younger brothers, nephews, friends, cousins and colleagues. Take the lead with having difficult conversations around gender discrimination, sexual assault, coercion, consent, masculinities, and sexualities and link it back to personal experiences and behaviours. Understand that you control your own circle of influence and that you can create an impact on younger or more impressionable men and boys around you.

Actions For Boys and Men #5:  Listen to survivors of gender-based violence

LISTEN to people who are survivors of gender-based violence (and discrimination). Just as importantly, BELIEVE them. Listen to girls and women if they tell you about their sexual harassment. Recognise that women’s fears are valid and do not treat them as hysterical. Involuntary gaslighting is emotional and mental abuse, stay away from it. The main reason why the #MeToo movement was a landmark moment is because women’s (and men’s) voices were heard, acknowledged and also at some level, believed.

Actions For Boys and Men #6: Learn to read micro-behaviours and signs of distress

In the larger context of violence against women and girls, we end up talking about issues like assault AFTER the victim/survivor has taken the courage to share. Do not wait for it to come out this way. Learn to read micro-behaviours or how someone’s behaviour is changing around you. The key is to notice changes in body language, patterns like absenteeism or irregularity of any kind, physical health issues, sudden reclusiveness or anger. Do not ignore these or any other signs of distress that women may show but not necessarily share in as many words.

Actions For Boys and Men #7: Know that consent is complicated and make sure you have it

We now realise that consent isn’t a mere “yes” or “no” in any given situation. Think about the many situations where consent may be implied but you are not sure, since no two situations are the same. Stop. Think. Ask. Listen. Analyse. Consent is complicated like all human behaviour. Create an open space with your partner/s to be able to comfortably have a dialogue. Do not make assumptions on the other person’s behalf.

Actions For Boys and Men #8: Check your personal behaviour

In trying to create a gender equal society, it is also important to self-reflect on issues like class, caste, gender, race, sexuality, identity, power, and economic status. People’s identities intersect in any given situation. Recognise your own privilege and conditioned problematic behaviour like mansplaining, toxic masculinity, lack of consent, etc. This exercise will, more often than not, be painful for your ego but the idea is to become a person with whom women feel safe, heard, respected and valued as equals.

Actions For Boys and Men #9: JUST STOP SAYING #NOTALLMEN

This is a no-brainer. Yet this wretched hashtag and response fails to leave our social consciousness. Instead of getting defensive when you hear the phrase “all men” and retaliating with “not all men’”, shift your anger onto those men that have given all men a bad name. Call them out on their violent behaviour, and hold them accountable. Change the narrative – Not All Men use the hashtag #NotAllMen.

Actions For Boys and Men #10: Shun hypermasculine pop culture icons

When you ask a young boy ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ His response would usually be along the lines of a ‘tough macho man’. This is what young boys see and pick up from popular media – TV, movies, YouTube videos, music videos etc. Popular culture commonly throws up visuals of the buffed-up male body flashing big guns to create violent demigod-like role models that other men aspire to be. Eg: THE ENTIRE CAST OF THE FILM THE EXPENDABLES. Don’t buy into the pop culture’s idea of ‘might is right’. Rethink these icons, reexamine your own idols.

Actions For Boys and Men #11: Bid goodbye to victim-blaming

While it may seem cool, don’t judge women just because they ARE women. It does NOT matter what she was wearing, or where she was, or who she was with. Like all bad habits, cut out all victim-blaming from your life altogether. Even if she was prancing around buck naked in the middle of the street at midnight, she still wasn’t asking for it. We say this with complete confidence – NO WOMAN asks for violence. You don’t need research for this.

Actions For Boys and Men #12: Be prepared for some hard decisions

This is a tough one. If a woman approaches you regarding uncomfortable behaviour from other men who may be friends/compatriots/colleagues/family, do not immediately dismiss her or get defensive about the man’s intentions right away. Hear her out and then take action if necessary. Apply the same strategy even when boys or men seek your help in this way.

Actions For Boys and Men #13: Cut out toxic friendships and relationships from your own life

Let’s recognise that abusive relationships affect men’s mental health and life as well. These relationships come in different forms, from intimate partners to family and friends. Learn to pick up on signs of abuse in relationships and friendships that leave you mentally and emotionally drained. All forms of abuse are cyclical and this is how you can to break the chain.

Actions For Boys and Men #14: You are vulnerable, it’s okay to acknowledge it

To date, there has been limited conversation around the burdens of masculinity on men. Hypermasculinity in particular affects men’s emotional capacities as well as mental health because a man’s vulnerability is seen as a sign of weakness. This narrative needs to change. There needs to be a cultural push to address the fact that men are vulnerable and it is okay to show emotion. Cry, sing, dance, and express yourself in healthy ways to help bring about acceptance of newer ways for society to define its ‘desirable men’.

Actions For Boys and Men #15: Compassion and empathy aren’t ‘girlie’ things

First of all, there is nothing wrong in being associated with anything deemed ‘girlie’. Secondly, values like compassion, care, nurturing, and empathy are neither gender-specific nor do they have to be. Turn up your empathy levels and challenge the world to not view and treat different genders unequally. Apathy and indifference by men only add to the culture of violence. Challenge this silent kind of abuse by imbuing compassion into your everyday dealings with people.

Actions For Boys and Men #16: Know that it is a journey and you don’t have all the answers but do not stop

While we acknowledge that patriarchy affects men adversely, let’s also acknowledge that patriarchy benefits men in a multitude of ways, which in turn victimises other genders. It is, after all, a system created by men to benefit men. To date, patriarchy is very slowly being chipped away and it is important to remember that none of the progress made to date happened overnight. You may not have all the answers today but it is okay. The fight towards a gender inclusive world free of violence, discrimination and access for all is a journey. Use your male privilege for the cause because men need to be a part of the solution for everyone to prosper together.


All pictures used are Creative Commons images (from top to bottom):

The Pixel Project Selection 2018: 16 Notable Anti-VAW Activists and Organisations You Should Follow on Twitter

Since its debut more than a decade ago, Twitter has become a reliable news source for many individuals. It offers a real-time view and perspective of what is occurring both elsewhere and in our own communities, enabling us to become more aware of social issues like violence against women and join discussions to become more involved with these causes.

Twitter enables us to share information and can function as a tool we can use to help us better our world through understanding, and create an atmosphere of solidarity worldwide. Being able to look up a hashtag – #vaw for example – in order to find news sources, helplines, or other activists is a simple yet incredibly useful way to become involved. In fact, in recent years, the usefulness of hashtags as a rallying cry for women’s causes have vaulted up to the next level with #MeToo and #YesAllWomen going viral worldwide as women and girls share their stories of surviving sexism, misogyny, and gender-based violence on Twitter.

With that in mind, The Pixel Project presents our 2018 Twitter selection of 16 organisations and individuals leveraging Twitter in the cause to end violence against women. These are groups and people who will keep you informed simply because they share the passion to create a better tomorrow for girls and women everywhere.

Introduction by Rebecca DeLuca and Regina Yau; Written by Regina Yau. Research by Rubina Singh; Compiled by Rubina Singh and Regina Yau.


Twitter Follow Recommendation 1: Acid Survivors Trust International (@Acid_Survivors) – Global

Acid Survivors Trust International (ASTI) is the only organisation in the world whose sole purpose is to work towards the end of acid violence across the globe. Founded in 2002, ASTI works with a network of six local partners in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Uganda, providing medical expertise and training to their partners, conducting research, raising funds for acid attack survivors, and changing laws. Their Twitter account is an invaluable resource for anyone to find out more about acid attacks and what different countries are doing to combat this form of VAW.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 2: Emma Watson (@EmmaWatson) – United Kingdom

When actress Emma Watson shot to stardom as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies, little did anyone know that she would become a feminist icon as an adult. In 2014, Watson was named UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and launched the UN Women campaign HeForShe, which calls for men to advocate for gender equality by giving a high profile address at UN Headquarters in New York City. Since then, Watson has championed a number of initiatives for girls’ education and the eradication of violence against women. Her Twitter feed is filled with signal boosts for various campaigns as well as her thoughts on feminism and women’s human rights.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 3: Galkayo Education Center for Peace and Development (@gecpdsomalia) – Somalia

Galkayo Education Center for Peace and Development (GECPD) is a women’s rights NGO established in October 1999 by the current Founder Executive Director Hawa Aden Mohamed with the support of a group of women professionals. GECPD’s main mission is to provide basic education for girls and functional literacy skills for women, as well as address the issues of child marriage and female genital mutilation. Their Twitter account focuses on the latest news and updates on women’s rights issues in Somalia and is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in feminist movements in Somalia and the wider Africa region.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 4: Girls at Dhabas (@girlsatdhabas) – Pakistan

Girls at Dhabas is a collective of feminists working on sparking conversation around women’s negotiation of public spaces in Pakistan in order to combat the gradual disappearance of women from the public scene, as well as engage with the issues pertinent to gender and class in relation to the public sphere. Their Twitter feed is filled with conversations about women’s rights in Pakistan as well as tweets about street harassment and women in public spaces.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 5: Hablemos Sexo (@HablemodeSexo) – Mexico

Hablemos Sexo is an organisation dedicated to educating young people about consent and safe sex, preventing violence against women. They offer easily accessible information on sexuality and sexual health, aimed at Spanish-speaking teenagers and young people from all over the world. Their Twitter account is an excellent source of information about all these issues and, unlike most other organisations, they make extensive use of messaging through soundbites on posters.


Twitter Follow Recommendation 6: International Women’s Development Agency (@IWDA) – Asia Pacific

The International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA) is the leading Australian agency entirely focused on women’s rights and gender equality in the Asia Pacific region. Their work includes research on the safety and security of women, the role economic freedom plays in eradicating violence against women, and women’s leadership in politics and communities. Their Twitter account is filled with tweets about the progress of women’s human rights issues in Asia Pacific as well as updates on their own work.


Twitter Follow Recommendation 7: Hannah Gadsby (@HannahGadsby) – Australia

Hannah Gadsby is a veteran Australian comedian and writer whose Netflix series “Nanette” – billed as her farewell show – put her on the global pop culture map by breaking new ground in comedy by bluntly and unflinchingly addressing the sexism, homophobia, and assaults which she has encountered in her own life and which many women and LGBTQIA people experience. Gadsby’s Twitter feed is similarly filled with thought-provoking tweets about gender issues, sexism, misogyny, violence against women, LGBTQIA issues and more.


Twitter Follow Recommendation 8: Malala Fund (@MalalaFund) – Global

Malala Fund is a nonprofit set up by Malala Yousouzai and her father to break down the barriers (including gender-based violence) preventing more than 130 million girls around the world from going to school. Their work focuses on investing in local education activists, holding leaders worldwide accountable for girls’ education, and amplifying the voices of girls. Their Twitter account is a popular one with over 626,000 followers and their tweets focus on their work, women’s human rights issues (including violence against women), and girls’ education.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 9: Malena Pichot (@malepichot) – Argentina

Argentinian actress, screenwriter and stand-up comedian Malena Pichot was catapulted to Internet fame when her skit about abortion and misogyny was published on YouTube in 2014 – since then it has received over 1.3 million views. According to NPR, Pichot is part of a wave of “young Latin American feminists who have very skillfully used social media to get the message out, and take down long-held sexist traditions.” Pichot tweets in Spanish about various women’s rights issues and campaigns in Argentina.


Twitter Follow Recommendation 10: Native Women’s Association of Canada (@NWAC_CA) – Canada

The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) was founded in 1974 to collectively focus on enhancing, promoting, and fostering the social, economic, cultural and political well-being of First Nations, Métis and Inuit women in Canada. Their Twitter account is an excellent resource for anyone looking to keep up with news about the human rights of Native women including issues such as violence against women, economic empowerment, and girls’ education.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 11: Raising Teenagers Uganda (@raisingteensug) – Uganda

Raising Teenagers Uganda is an NGO dedicated to ending child marriage and tackling the menstruation taboo in Uganda so that girls can attend school. They regularly tweet about their programmes (including the Girls Matter Clubs) as well as articles focused on the human rights of girls, girls’ education, and news about stopping under-aged marriage.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 12: She Decides (@shedecidesGFI) – Global

SheDecides is a global movement to promote, provide, protect and enhance the fundamental rights of every girl and woman. She must decide about her own body – so that she can decide about her life and her future. They take on issues such as women’s reproductive rights including the right to choose, family planning, contraception, and abortion. Their Twitter account focuses not just on reproductive rights but also intersecting issues such as violence against women and women’s access to healthcare.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 13: Sisters in Islam (@SistersInIslam) – Malaysia

Sisters in Islam is a Malaysia-based NGO powered by Muslim women committed to gender equality, the human rights of Muslim women and girls, and empowering women to advocate for change in Malaysia. Their Twitter account is focused on sharing news about women’s rights in Malaysia, Islamic countries, and Southeast Asia, headlines about violence against women that affects Muslim women (including child marriage), and updates of their campaigns and programmes.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 14: Tarana Burke (@TaranaBurke) – United States of America

Tarana Burke – a survivor of sexual violence herself and currently the senior director of Girls For Gender Equity – is the founder of the #MeToo movement in 2006 which went viral on social in 2017 thanks to the Harvey Weinstein case – a full decade after she first coined the hashtag. Through her Twitter account, she tweets her thoughts as well as various news and updates about the #MeToo movement and the anti-violence against women movement in general.


Twitter Follow Recommendation 15: The Girl Generation (@TheGirlGen) – Africa

The Girl Generation is an Africa-led global collective of members and partners brought together by a shared vision that Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) can end in this generation. It is a platform for accelerating social change by bringing together hundreds and thousands of voices to challenge the social norms that keep FGM in place in many cultures. Their Twitter feed is filled with news and information about FGM and the various activities and initiatives members are undertaking to combat FGM in their constituencies.


Twitter Follow Recommendation 16: The YP Foundation (@TheYPFoundation) – India

The YP Foundation develops youth leadership to advance rights of young women and girls and other marginalised youth. They make an impact by strengthening young people’s engagement with policy-making at local, national, regional and international levels through a number of programmes which tackle issues that affect Indian youth including reproductive rights for women and girls, as well as male violence against women and toxic masculinity. Their Twitter account tweets about youth engagement in India, women’s human rights, and sexual and reproductive rights.


Photo Credits: 

  1. Emma Watson – By Georges Biard [CC BY-SA 3.0  (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons. 
  2. Hannah Gadsby – From Hannah Gadsby Comedy (Facebook). 
  3. Malena Pichot – By Ggrosvald [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons. 
  4. Tarana Burke – By Brittany “B.Monét” Fennell (She’s Revolutionary at 01:10, cropped) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

16 Ways That Workplaces Can Help Victims and Survivors of Violence Against Women

Thanks to the #MeToo movement, 2018 has seen the conversation about violence against women (VAW) go mainstream with multiple instances of women speaking up about gender-based violence in the workplace. From the notorious case of disgraced Hollywood ex-mogul Harvey Weinstein to NGO leaders in South Africa to government officials in Japan, women across the world are publicly pushing back against hostile work environments that enable toxic masculinity and rape culture.

In the workplace, sexual violence (including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape) can lead to a decrease in productivity, job satisfaction, and attendance, as well as cripple the career advancement of women. However, in many cases, women who have been harassed or assaulted are afraid to speak up due to a fear of retaliation because the men who target them are often in positions of authority and power in the company or organisation. A recent survey by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) on protection of women in workplaces found that 20 out of the 80 countries surveyed had no protection from retaliation for victims who reported sexual harassment at work.

Furthermore, violence faced by women outside the workplace such as rape, sexual assault, and domestic violence can also have a substantial impact on their working life which in turn has a severe impact on the economy. Domestic violence alone costs $9.5 billion in economic loss worldwide. Recent statistics from UN Women are illustrative of this. Here are just a few examples:

  • In Peru: Businesses lost 70 million workdays due to partner violence, equivalent to of GDP in 2013
  • In India: Women had to forgo on average 7 days of paid work per violent incident.
  • In Cambodia: 20% of the women who experienced domestic violence reported that they missed work and their children missed school.

Simply put: VAW is detrimental not just to individual women, but also the wider community around them including their workplaces.

Given the high rates of VAW in workplaces and the intrinsic link between economic independence and reduction in VAW, employers play a critical role in ending VAW. Creating a safe work environment and supporting victims and survivors of violence can go a long way in creating a safer community for women in general.

As a starting point, the article recommends 16 ideas that employers can implement to support victims and survivors of VAW as part of ensuring that their workplace is a healthy and productive one.

Written by Rubina Singh. Additional content by Regina Yau.


Recommendation For Workplaces #1: Culture Matters – Creating a culture of mutual respect, professionalism, and zero tolerance for harassment is crucial for preventing workplace VAW as well as effectively helping female employees if it happens. Respecting the agency and rights of all female employees; ensuring confidentiality in cases of sexual harassment; having a strict policy against victim-blaming; and providing a safe space and transparent due process for victims to come forward – these are all small but significant steps that an employer can take to create a positive organisational culture.

Recommendation For Workplaces #2: Diversify Your Leadership – Having female leadership is one of the strongest ways to reduce harassment (whether it be illegal or legal, gender- or sexuality-based, targeted at women or men), As part of building a safe, inclusive and equitable work culture, organisations and companies should strive for gender balance in every job at every level.

Recommendation For Workplaces #3: Adopt a Well-Defined Workplace Policy – One of the most important actions that employers can take to prevent VAW in the workplace is to have a comprehensive and inclusive domestic and sexual violence policy. Reinforce your policies with regular educational and training sessions and don’t forget to make sure your policy falls in line with local laws and regulations. Not sure where to begin? Check out this guide from Legal Momentum for some useful tips as well as an anti-sexual harassment policy sample from the ILO.

Recommendation For Workplaces #4: Avoid Restrictive and Destructive Contract Clauses – Many employers include non-disclosure/forced arbitration/internal committee-only clauses in their employee contracts and workplace anti-sexual violence policies. Such clauses are unnecessarily restrictive and lead to a belief that the company is more concerned about protecting sexual predators than providing appropriate remedial measures for victims. This can leave the victim with little to no recourse if they are faced with VAW in the workplace. If you have such clauses in your employee contracts, it’s time to review them together with your legal advisors and to adjust them accordingly.

Recommendation For Workplaces #5: Have a Clear Anti-Retaliation Clause… and Stick to It – Many women do not report sexual harassment in the workplace because of a fear of discrimination and backlash. Being labeled a ‘trouble-maker’ or potentially being retaliated against professionally for accusing a senior male colleague of misconduct can deter women from reporting the attack to management and HR. Letting your female employees know that there will be no discrimination against them if they come forward – and taking them seriously when they do –  is one of the most positive ways to ensure a safer workplace. In addition, take action to ensure that the alleged perpetrator does not personally retaliate against his victim.

Recommendation For Workplaces #6: Issue Workplace Reminders – Do not just announce that a domestic and sexual violence policy in place and then assume that you’ve done your job. Treat your anti-harassment policy as an active one with regular reminders to help employees increase their awareness about the policy and know that you are serious about creating a safe and violence free environment. It is also a good idea to highlight key features of the policy through posters or other display methods in high visibility locations throughout your workplace like the cafeteria, restrooms, and busy corridors.

Recommendation For Workplaces #7: Refuse to Hire Convicted or Known Perpetrators of VAW – If you are aware that a job candidate engages in VAW at work or elsewhere, hiring them will not only endanger your female employees, but also discourage them from coming forward to report any harassment. Refusing to hire known perpetrators will not only make your workplace safer but will also signal your organisation’s stance as an ethical company where VAW will not be tolerated.

Recommendation For Workplaces #8: Human Resources (HR) is Crucial – Training HR to respond appropriately to sexual violence and harassment (instead of victim-blaming or covering for the perpetrator) is critical to supporting victims and survivors. For many employees, HR is the first department they take their complaints to and having informed, sensitive and responsive HR professionals can help to make the experience less painful for the victim.

Recommendation For Workplaces #9: Take Prompt Action – While preventative measures are important in the fight against VAW, if a case of sexual harassment or assault in your organisation comes to light, it is imperative that immediate steps are taken to protect the victim and take action against the alleged perpetrator. Leaving a large gap between the complaint/incident and disciplinary action can put the victim at risk and also lead to a loss of faith in the organisation.

Recommendation For Workplaces #10: Bystander Intervention Training – Training all employees to recognise signs of VAW and effectively intervene when they see it happening can provide immediate support in instances of VAW in the workplace. Such training will encourage and empower employees to become more aware about VAW (and how to be upstanders instead of bystanders), to support their female colleagues, as well as collectively maintain a safe workplace for women.

Recommendation For Workplaces #11: Take The (Workplace) Temperature – An annual anonymous workplace environment survey is a great way to understand your employees and their perception of your organisation. Such surveys may also help the employer understand the kind of harassment faced by employees, as well as causal factors and potential solutions to ensure safety. If your organisation already conducts an annual employee survey, check that it includes a section for feedback about workplace harassment and bullying. Check out a sample survey here.

Recommendation For Workplaces #12: Prioritise Safety for Female Employees – If a job puts your female employees at risk of harassment, it is your responsibility to make sure you provide adequate security to prevent and ameliorate such incidents. Jobs that routinely require an employee to engage with clients or third parties, within or outside the workplace would be a prime example. Recently, female sports reporters in Brazil set up a campaign to advocate for their security at work after a journalist was forcibly kissed by an interviewee on air.  In such high-contact professions, a risk assessment survey for employee safety can be the first step to understand and find solutions for safety from VAW.

Recommendation For Workplaces #13: Pay Attention to Medical Insurance – VAW has an enormous impact on a woman’s mental and physical health. Providing medical coverage which also includes mental health services can offer immense support for female employees who are facing domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault or any other form of VAW.

Recommendation For Workplaces #14: Support Employees Beyond the Workplace – While many forms of VAW such as domestic violence and street harassment occur outside the workplace, they can impact productivity at work. To mitigate or counter the negative effects of VAW across the board, there are a whole range of solutions employers implement including flexible working hours, security measures, and even safe transportation to and from the workplace to help female employees retain their jobs and stay safe. Check out Make It Our Business, Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence and Workplaces Respond to Domestic and Sexual Violence for some useful tips and resources on this front.

Recommendation For Workplaces #15: Support Organisations Working to Stop VAW – Donating a portion of your profits to an anti-VAW organisation will go a long way in supporting survivors of VAW. Also consider partnering with an anti-VAW organisation on a volunteer program to get your board, management, and employees actively involved with addressing the issue because hands on experience will not only increase their awareness and understanding of VAW but also encourage them to take action to support efforts to make your organisation is safer and more equitable place for women to work. This experience may even help hardcore sexist male employees and management begin treating their female co-workers with respect which will in turn lead to a healthier workplace.

Recommendation For Workplaces #16: Finally, Give VAW Survivors A Fighting Chance – Survivors can often find it difficult to obtain or hold a job there is still a cultural stigma attached to being a victim of VAW. If you have employees who are VAW survivors, do what you can to support them instead if firing them. If you are interviewing a candidate and discover that they are a survivor, don’t hold that against them. And if you are inclined to go the extra mile, actively hiring survivors in a safe work environment can help to change the cultural narrative around VAW and support survivors in becoming financially independent. For example, a café in India is run entirely by survivors of acid attacks aiding in their rehabilitation and independence. Remember: many VAW survivors who are actively searching for work are in the process of rebuilding their lives and are determined to do well at work.


All pictures used are Creative Commons images (from top to bottom):

Transforming Personal Pain Into Positive Action: The Pixel Project’s 16 Female Role Models 2018

Today is the first day of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence 2018  campaign and The Pixel Project is kicking things off with our 7th annual list of 16 female role models fighting to end violence against women in their communities. The intent of this list is simple: to highlight the good work of the heroines of the movement to end violence against women wherever they are in the world. The women and girls in this year’s list hail from 15 countries and 5 continents.

Many of these outstanding women and girls have shown that it is possible to transform personal pain that came out of facing gender-based violence, into positive action to stop violence against women, empower themselves and to show other survivors that it is possible to move forward with dignity and happiness. They have refused to let bitterness and pain get the better of them, opting to stand up for themselves and for other women and girls instead.

Others on this list may not have experienced gender-based violence inflicted on themselves but they have stepped up to do what is right: to speak up for women and girls who cannot do it for themselves, sometimes at great personal risk. All this requires immense courage, generosity of spirit, and a strong enduring heart.

Without further ado, here in alphabetical order by first name is our 2018 list of 16 female role models. We hope that these women would be an inspiration to others to get involved with the cause. To that end, we hope you will generously share this list via Facebook and Twitter to give these extraordinary 16 women and their work a moment in the sun.

It’s time to stop violence against women. Together.

Note: Information for all role model profiles has been sourced via online research and is based on one or more news sources, articles and/or The Pixel Project’s own interviews with them. The main articles/reports from which these profiles have been sourced can be directly accessed via the hyperlinked titles. Please do click through to learn more about these remarkable women.

Written and compiled by Regina Yau


Female Role Model 1: Chino – Japan

When Japanese actress Chino won a settlement from a director who sexually harassed her, she decided to use the settlement money to start a #MeToo group to stop sexual and power harassment that is endemic in Japan’s entertainment industries, provide counseling and legal help for victims, and to demonstrate that speaking out is a viable course of action. She was inspired to come forward about her experience by the #MeToo movement around the world and said: “Was it hard? Was I afraid? Of course I was. But I came forward for the sake of others who may also want to pursue their dreams.”

Female Role Model 2: Dr Christine Blasey Ford – United States of America

When Brett M. Kavanaugh was shortlisted to become an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, an American professor of psychology, came forward to publicly accuse Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were teenagers. Dr Blasey Ford’s courage resulted in a senate judicial committee hearing into Kavanaugh’s suitability to be a Supreme Court justice, but also emboldened thousands of sexual assault and rape survivors to publicly talk about their experiences via the hashtag #WhyIDidntReport. Dr Blasey Ford said in her testimony: “I am a fiercely independent person and I am no one’s pawn. My motivation in coming forward was to provide the facts about how Mr. Kavanaugh’s actions have damaged my life, so that you can take that into serious consideration as you make your decision about how to proceed. It is not my responsibility to determine whether Mr. Kavanaugh deserves to sit on the Supreme Court. My responsibility is to tell the truth.”

Female Role Model 3: Elisa Iannacone – United Kingdom

Photographer and sexual assault survivor Elisa Iannacone was looking for a way to show the psychological impact of the trauma suffered by survivors. From this sprang her latest photo project, “The Spiral of Containment: Rape’s Aftermath” which was the result of four years spent working with survivors to express “trauma through art.” Speaking to Newsweek about the project and subsequent exhibition, Iannacone said: “I’m sure that a lot of people that come through will see themselves reflected in the work, so i think it’s just building a community of people that understand the impact of rape, that reject it and that want to collectively stand against it. I think the key to change is to talk about it and not stand for it anymore which is what we’ve done for way too long.”

Female Role Model 4: Jan Logie, MP – New Zealand

On 26 July 2018, New Zealand became the first country to pass national legislation granting victims of domestic violence 10 days paid leave to allow them to leave their partners, protect themselves and their children, and start rebuilding their lives. This groundbreaking law is the culmination of seven years of work by Green MP Jan Logie, who worked in a women’s refuge before entering politics. Ms. Logie told The Guardian: “Part of this initiative is getting a whole-of-society response. We don’t just leave it to police but realise we all have a role in helping victims. It is also about changing the cultural norms and saying ‘we all have a stake in this and it is not OK’.”

Female Role Model 5: Khadija Siddiqi – Pakistan

Khadija Siddiqi was repeatedly slashed across the throat and abdomen by fellow student Shah Hussain in an attack that was motivated by revenge after she had spurned his advances. Her attacker was acquitted by the high court and her case has become a cause célèbre, with the acquittal viewed by some as effectively sanctioning Violence against Women. Speaking to The Observer, Siddiqi said: “I’ve had so many messages saying ‘this happened to me’, and it gives people strength. There is a stigma for women to get justice, not just in Pakistan but across the world. This shows if you hurt or kill in the name of honour, you will be challenged. As a law student, I owe it to these women to show the justice system isn’t just for the rich and powerful.”

Female Role Model 6: Lucia Annibali – Italy

In 2013, Italian lawyer Lucia Annibali nearly lost her eyesight after a brutal acid attack organised by her former boyfriend that left her battling for her eyesight. Following the attack, Annibali was made an honorary citizen of Parma and was invited by then-head of the Department of Equal Opportunities Maria Elena Boschi to serve as an advisor, a role that she still serves in today. This year, Lucia is running for Parliament in Italy, where she hopes to lead efforts to stop Violence against Women. Annibali said: “The attack changed my life for the better. Regaining my sight and relearning to eat are all battles that make you truly appreciate the value of life.”

Female Role Model 7: Memory Chazeza Mdyetseni – Malawi

Following the death of her parents and her uncle who paid for her to attend school, Memory Chazeza Mdyetseni was pressured by her other family members to get married when she was a young teenager. Mdyetseni resisted such attempts and after completing her education, she was inspired by her experiences to co-found the Girls on the Move Secondary School which provides secondary school education for teenage Malawian girls at risk of forced or under-aged marriage. Mdyetseni told the Voice of America that education would give Malawian girls and women many more choices and opportunities beyond marriage.

Female Role Model 8: Mhairi Black – Scotland

In March 2018, Mhairi Black, Paisley and Renfrewshire South MP (SNP), took a stand against the torrent of misogynistic online harassment that she and other female politicians and public figures had been facing on a constant basis. Black did so powerfully by giving a powerful speech about it in parliament which included reading the horrific threats and abuse that she had received verbatim. She made this speech during a Westminster Hall debate in which calls were raised for misogyny to be treated as a hate crime and the video of it went viral. Black said about online gender-based violence: “I don’t think that’s normal and I think it’s fair to say that’s something maybe that we should be looking at – something we should be talking about – because I’m blessed in that I have the same right and influence as any other elected man in this place, but what about all the female staff in here who don’t?”

Female Role Model 9: Nice Nailantei Leng’ete – Kenya

When Nice Nailantei Leng’ete was 8, she and her sister ran away from her village in Kenya to avoid the traditional Maasai practice of female genital mutilation (FGM). Her sister eventually stopped running but Leng’ete stood her ground and refused to be subjected to the ritual. Today, she works with AMREF Health Africa in Kenya and Tanzania to help thousands of other Kenyan girls escape FGM and forced marriage, so they can stay in school and pursue their dreams. Leng’ete told Health.com: “I think my hope is that every young girl can become the woman of her dreams. If she really wanted to be a doctor or a teacher, I want to make sure that we are giving them that platform. We are protecting them from all these harmful practices, and they are able to become anything they want to become in life.”

Female Role Model 10: Madhumita Pandey – India

Following the brutal gang rape of Jyoti Singh (Nirbhaya) in 2012, Madhumita Pandey started interviewing rapists at Tihar Central Jail in New Delhi. These interviews formed the seed of what became her doctoral research at Anglia Ruskin University in the UK. Since then, Pandey has interviewed over 100 men convicted for rape in India. She writes in Quartz: “As one of the first studies to take into account the perspectives of convicted rapists in India, my aim was to understand the attitudes these men have towards their victims and how this thinking contributes to the endemic sexual violence that women experience in the country.” In an interview with Bustle, she notes: “When I went to research, I was convinced these men are monsters. But when you talk to them, you realise these are not extraordinary men, they are really ordinary. What they’ve done is because of upbringing and thought process.”

Female Role Model 11: Nasreen Sheikh – Nepal

At 11 years old, Nasreen Sheikh ran away from the small village on the Nepal/India border where she was born, becoming the first young woman in the history of her village to escape forced marriage. She started work in a Kathmandu sweatshop, where she worked 12 to 15 hours a day sewing garments for a large export company and sleeping on the floor. At 16, she became a social entrepreneur when she launched Local Women’s Handicrafts, a women’s sewing collective selling bags, scarves, wallets and shirts. Shortly after, she founded L.O.C.W.O.M., a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating women and children. Nasreen is determined to succeed, telling Forbes: “If I do not succeed I will shame my family and the people from my village will point to me as an example of what happens when a woman tries to move above her place.”

Female Role Model 12: Rema Rajeshwari – India

Rema Rajeshwari, the female superintendent of police in the Indian the state of Telangana is at the forefront of pushing change in how India deals with sexual violence against women. As part of her work, Rajeshwari routinely sends officers out to rural communities to gain the confidence of local leaders and change their attitudes about women reporting crimes to police. She also helped launch “SHE Teams,” groups of specially trained officers in Telangana state trained to tackle the chronic street harassment of women. In an interview with CBC Radio, Rajeshwari said: “Fighting the mindset of society is a huge battle for every woman in uniform. I have a responsibility to leave a legacy for the women who are going to join the force in the future.”

Female Role Model 13: Salma Belhassine – Tunisia

Salma Belhassine is a Tunisian street harassment activist who led efforts to put together SafeNes, a mobile app that connects victims with NGOs specialising in stopping sexual harassment or to directly contact lawyers to get help. SafeNes provides users with a way to report sexual harassment and to designate a trusted person to track their movements when they’re somewhere unsafe. The app will eventually also provide videos for teaching self-defence, safe-zone maps, and provide information about the legal procedures following a sexual harassment report. Ms Belhassine said: “It would be a better world if women and girls felt safe in public spaces. Women would be more active, more productive.”

Female Role Model 14: Tarana Burke – United States of America

Tarana Burke – a survivor of sexual violence herself and currently the senior director of Girls For Gender Equity – is the founder of the #MeToo movement in 2006 which went viral on social in 2017 thanks to the Harvey Weinstein case – a full decade after she first coined the hashtag. Hailing from the Bronx, New York, Burke is a lifelong activist who began fighting for human rights at the age of 14. Currently, Burke is working through the #MeToo movement to build a global community, both online and offline, to provide help and guidance for survivors of sexual violence. In 2018, Burke was honoured as one of TIME magazine’s 100 Most Influential People. Speaking to The Guardian, Burke said: “There is inherent strength in agency. And #MeToo, in a lot of ways, is about agency. It’s not about giving up your agency, it’s about claiming it.”

Female Role Model 15: Zainab Fayez – Afghanistan

As the only woman serving as a prosecutor in Afghanistan’s southern province of Kandahar, Zainab Fayez has resolved 50 cases of Violence against Women, and helped detain 21 male abusers, including police officials, in 2017. She is a graduate of the Sharia faculty of Kabul University and has taken on cases that deal with issues such as child marriage, domestic violence, sexual assault, the denial of inheritance rights, and access to education. The next nearest female prosecutor (Maria Bashir) is based 500 kilometres away in Herat province. Fayez hopes that one day there will be enough female lawyers to join forces in the fight for women’s rights. She told The Guardian: “My aim is to see the next generation of Afghan women empowered. In Kandahar, it is very hard for a woman to work alone in an office, which is predominantly occupied by male staff members and where women as workers are taboo.”

Female Role Model 16: Zaynub Afinnih – France and Sudan

When 16-year-old Zainab Afinnih who was based in Rouen, France, heard the story of a 19-year-old Noura Hussein who was sentenced to death in Sudan for killing her husband who raped her, she started a global petition campaign, ‘Justice for Noura’ calling for the Sudanese government to pardon Hussein. The campaign garnered 700,000 signatures and resulted in Hussein’s sentence being commuted from death to 5 years in prison. Afinnih told CNN: “I don’t know her … I’ve never spoken to her. But she is my sister in humanity. I can’t let her die for defending herself against the man who raped her.”


Photo Credits 

  1. Chino – From “Japanese actress accuses director, starts #MeToo group” (AP News)
  2. Christine Blasey Ford – By United States Senate cameras. Official video by the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, as posted to www.judiciary.senate.gov. (www.judiciary.senate.gov and YouTube.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
  3. Elisa Iannacone – From “Wave Of Change: Photographer and Sexual Assault Survivor Shines A Light On Psychological Impacts Of Sexual Abuse” (Chiara Brambilla/Newsweek)
  4. Jan Logie – By Green Party NZ – Green Party NZ, CC BY-SA 4.0, (https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17494690)
  5. Khadijah Siddiqi – From “Stab victim Khadija Siddiqi: ‘My case is a fight for all Pakistani women” (Shafaq n Kami Studios/The Observer)
  6. Lucia Annibali – By dati.camera.it, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=67610343
  7. Memory Chazeza Mdyetseni – From “Malawi Woman Resists Early Marriage, Provides Education to Girls” (http://learningenglish.voa.com)
  8. Mhairi Black – By Chris McAndrew – https://beta.parliament.uk/media/qB5UDv5a, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=61317808
  9. Nice Nailantei Leng’ete –  By Diario de Madrid – Diario de Madrid – La mesa sobre Violencia de Género reclama competencias para los Ayuntamientos destinadas a atajar esta lacra, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=66077711
  10. Madhumita Pandey – From “A woman interviewed 100 convicted rapists in India. This is what she learned.” (Madhumita Pandey/The Washington Post)
  11. Nasreen Sheikh – From Local Women’s Handicrafts Nepal
  12. Rema Rajeshwari – From WorldFellows.Yale.Edu
  13. Salma Belhassine – From “From where I stand: “It would be a better world if women felt safe in public spaces”” (Ryan Brown/UN Women)
  14. Tarana Burke – By Brittany “B.Monét” Fennell – She’s Revolutionary at 01:10, cropped, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=71293066
  15. Zainab Fayez – From “’I want to empower Afghan women’: female prosecutor on a lonely mission” (tolonews.com/The Guardian)
  16. Zaynub Afinnish – From “The young activist fighting for Sudanese teen on death row” (edition.cnn.com)

The Pixel Project Selection 2017: 16 Of The Pixel Project’s Best Interview Articles

For almost 9 years, The Pixel Project has worked at the intersection of social media, pop culture, the arts, journalism, activism and new technologies to shine a light on the the many ways violence against women (VAW) affects the lives of women and girls in communities and cultures worldwide.

Blogging is one of the major pillars of our social media-driven awareness-raising and educational work. More than any other social media platforms that we use, blogging empowers us to present in-depth articles, op-eds and interviews that go beyond the soundbites. As we grew as an anti-VAW organisation, we have gradually focused our blogging efforts on interviews to help activists, allies and survivors tell their stories and share their ideas with others first-hand.

In 2017, we marched on with our annual interview-format blogging campaigns:

Together, these interviews form an inspirational tapestry of ideas, stories and calls-to-action from remarkable individuals, communities and allies that are at the front lines of bringing the change that is so desperately needed to end VAW.

If you have missed any of our blog interview campaigns this year or are new to The Pixel Project’s work, this selection of this year’s 16 best Pixel Project blog interview articles of 2017 will be a great starting point. We hope that the stories we shared motivate you to join the effort to end VAW.

It’s time to stop violence against women. Together.

Written and compiled by Regina Yau. Introduction by Regina Yau.


Pixel Project Blog Interview Selection #1: Inspirational Interview – Anuja Gupta, India

Anuja Gupta is one of India’s leading experts on the issue of incest/child sexual abuse. In 1996, at a time when no one in the country was talking about this taboo subject, Anuja started the pioneering non-profit RAHI Foundation, India’s first incest/child sexual abuse response organisation. RAHI’s work has laid the foundation for this issue to come to light and continues to shape the way it is addressed in the country. Anuja says: “Everyone has to make violence against women and children their issue and I think the strongest action we can take is to not lose momentum regardless of our social or political contexts. No matter how far away it may seem, always keep an eye on the goal of a world free of violence.”

Pixel Project Blog Interview Selection #2: Inspirational Interview – Brynhildur Heiðar- og Ómarsdóttir, Iceland

Brynhildur manages the Icelandic Women’s Rights Association (IWRA) which was founded in 1907 and works towards increasing women‘s representation in parliament and the judicial system, combating gendered wage inequality, making gender studies a mandatory subject in secondary schools and raising awareness about harassment and violence against women online. Brynhildur says: “ We need to speak out forcefully against violence of any kind, and we need to teach our children about gender equality and human rights in schools. Most importantly, we need to support the victims of violence, to ensure that survivors have easy access to psychological and legal aid. But we also need to find ways to rehabilitate perpetrators of violence, to incorporate them into society while making sure that they do not re-offend. Violence against women is such a massive social problem that it can only be solved by all of us, together.


Pixel Project Blog Interview Selection #3: Gaming For Pixels Interview – Hyacinth Nil and Reed Lewis, USA

Hyacinth Nil and Reed Lewis are the co-founders of Abyssal Uncreations. Hyacinth Nil is a nonbinary interactive artist, musician and game maker from New York. Reed Lewis is a nonbinary novelist from New York. They are purveyors of dark media with a purpose, creators of multifaceted narratives meant to simultaneously unnerve and shine a light on issues of identity, queerness, gender, neurodivergence and other themes they’d like to see more of in media they consume. _transfer is their first video game. When discussing how gamers can stop violence against women and girls, Reed notes that “the most basic thing that can be done, especially for male gamers, is to call out misogyny when they spot it, and be honest with themselves when they say or think misogynistic things.  Don’t allow gaming culture to be a misogynistic culture, and don’t let gamers’ spaces be spaces where violence against women is joked about, dismissed or encouraged.”

Pixel Project Blog Interview Selection #4: Gaming For Pixels Interview – Ian Gregory, Singapore

Ian Gregory is the co-founder and creative director of Witching Hour Studios, which created the award-winning MASQUERADA. In 2010, his second year at university, Ian co-founded Witching Hour Studios with some friends. Six years on, Witching Hour has garnered awards and international recognition for their line of Ravenmark games and the off-kilter Romans in My Carpet!. Its latest title, Masquerada: Songs and Shadows, was successfully funded on Kickstarter. When talking about how gamers can help stop violence against women and girls in the gaming community, Ian says: “Talk about it: the conversation must be had; discomfort must be felt. A good cause to make everyone feel good for being involved is only one half of the solution. We need to actually talk about these uncomfortable things in the light. Hopefully, this will be catharsis to victims and call out abusers regarding their behaviour. Many victims are too afraid to voice their suffering, and surprisingly, many abusers are unaware of their actions. By putting the topic front and centre, both parties might find a way out of this horrible cycle.”

Pixel Project Blog Interview Selection #5: Inspirational Interview – Karin Alfredsson, Sweden

Karin’s engagement in the cause of violence against women began in 1979 when she published the first nonfiction book about violence against women in Sweden. She has worked on many journalistic projects covering the issue. In 2012, Karin launched the international Cause of Death: Woman project, covering different aspects of VAW in 10 countries. Karin has also written five crime novels about violence against women in different parts of the world and was recognised by the Swedish Crime Literature Academy several times. Karin says ending violence against women “is a matter of gender equality. The day men start to respect women, our choices and right to live our own lives, then things will start to happen. This means that we will have to start with the small boys. Legislation is fine, but if we are not working to change attitudes, very little will happen.”

Pixel Project Blog Interview Selection #6: Inspirational Interview – Lesley Ackrill, Canada

Lesley Ackrill is one of three executive co-directors at Interval House, Canada’s first shelter for abused women and their children. Lesley directs Resource Development and Communications, Human Resources and the Residential and Community Programs. During her tenure at Interval House, she produced the only television fundraising campaign ever made for a women’s shelter. Alongside her co-director, Lesley led Interval House through its $5 million capital campaign that purchased and renovated Interval House’s current facility.  Lesley says: “I think equity is a big step forward in helping end violence against women. When women take their rightful place as leaders in all spheres of our lives and all dominions—corporate boardroom, government, family—when they take the 50/50 leadership on and share it equally with men, I think we will have a huge step forward in ending violence against women by men. That is on a macro level – on a big scale.”

Pixel Project Blog Interview Selection #7: Survivor Stories Interview – Lisa Foster, USA

Lisa Foster survived child sexual abuse by her father and went on to found parillume to empower victims of sexual violation to continue past the survivor stage and heroically reclaim the treasure of their trues selves shining in the world without shame. Lisa’s advice to victims and survivors is: “The first step is finding a safe person to share your story with who can also help you find the recovery resource that works best for you. If you can’t afford therapy, there may be a non-profit that can provide you the support you need. Just begin. Read books, watch videos, check out the parillume website. Begin to feel and move through the pain and know that there is a fierce hope available to you. You are worth it.”

Pixel Project Blog Interview Selection #8: Inspirational Interview – Madeleine Rees, OBE, United Kingdom

Madeleine Rees, OBE is a lawyer specialising in discrimination law and women’s rights. From 1998 to 2006, she ran the OHCHR in Bosnia and Herzegovina and moved to Geneva in 2006 to head up their gender unit, moving on in 2010 to become the Secretary General of The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF). She was awarded an Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 2014 for services to human rights, particularly women’s rights, and international peace and security. Madeleine says: “[Violence against women] will end only when violence is stigmatised by men as well as by women, which means we have to work on that fundamental shift in power, what it is, how works and for whom. We have to move away from a system which needs and feeds off the creation of a masculinity which is prepared to do violence.”

Pixel Project Blog Interview Selection #9: Survivor Stories Interview – Martha Wells, USA

Martha Wells is a science fiction and fantasy writer whose first novel was published in 1993.  Her most recent series are The Books of the Raksura for Night Shade Books, and The Murderbot Diaries for Tor.com.  She has also written short stories, media tie-ins for Star Wars and Stargate: Atlantis, YA fantasies, and non-fiction. She survived being stalked by a former male friend in college who threatened to kill her. Martha says: “I think education, especially about consent, starting as early as possible, can help a lot.  Teach kids to respect each other as people, teach boys that girls are not somehow less deserving of bodily autonomy than they are.”

Pixel Project Blog Interview Selection #10: Gaming For Pixels Interview – Michelle Tan, Malaysia

Michelle Tan is the founder and CEO of Fundeavour – a social platform looking to improve the lives of gamers worldwide, including YouTubers, streamers and content creators. Through a combination of Facebook, LinkedIn and Coursera-style elements, the platform empowers its gamers to build relationships with other gamers, work with brands, gain more exposure and learn how to transform their passions into a potential career. Michelle says: “I honestly think the strongest form of support an individual gamer can lend [to stopping violence against women] at the moment is by actively “living” it themselves – by treating their female friends with respect the way they’d want to be treated, especially in-game, and advocating it to others who aren’t being kind. Breaking the cycle of stigma has got to be a concerted effort, but it has to first begin at the individual level with friends and family.”

Pixel Project Blog Interview Selection #11: Survivor Stories Interview – PC Cast, USA

Award-winning #1 NY Times and #1 USA Today bestselling author PC Cast is a survivor of rape. With more than 20 million books in print in over 40 countries, she writes multiple bestselling YA series. PC is a member of the Oklahoma Writers Hall of Fame. PC says: “The only way we can end violence against women is to end the patriarchy. As long as men rule – in politics, in corporate America, in positions of power – women will continue to be abused because MEN ARE NOT MADE TO FACE THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR ACTIONS. Over and over again the media shows us examples of men who are convicted of rape, only to receive mere slaps on the wrist because their lives could be ruined. THEY SHOULD BE. The Good Ol’ Boys’ club is alive and thriving, especially with Trump as President. Men don’t hold each other accountable for their bad behaviour, so women must. Until more women are in power this ideology will continue.”

Pixel Project Blog Interview Selection #12: Inspirational Interview – Pragna Patel, United Kingdom

Pragna Patel has trained in law and has more than 35 years of experience in advocacy, policy and campaigning work with some of the most marginalised women in British society. She has been at the forefront of key case and campaigning milestones throughout the history of Southall Black Sisters (SBS) and was a founding member of the pioneering Women Against Fundamentalism. She also has written extensively on race, gender and religion. Pragna says: “Ending violence against women for good is a tall order but not beyond us if there is political will, courage and imagination. Violence against women is both a cause and consequence of gender inequality and so our aim must be to tackle gender inequality at all levels in all communities. This will involve working in solidarity with others.”

Pixel Project Blog Interview Selection #13: Gaming For Pixels  Interview – Sig Gunnarsson

Sig Gunnarsson is the co-founder, gamer designer and art director of Studio Wumpus. Brooklyn-based Studio Wumpus is the acclaimed developers of Sumer – a digital board game inspired by M.U.L.E. and the Epic of Gilgamesh. Sumer draws on modern Eurogame design elements like worker placement, territory control and auctions. Its unique innovation is to place these into an action video game. When discussing how gamers can help end violence against women and girls, Sig says: “Gamers are also parents and one good thing to keep in mind is to be mindful in how we raise our sons and daughters. We need to raise respectful individuals and talk to them about things like gender and equality. Gamers should also continue calling out sexism in games and keep asking for the types of games they want. Money is a great way to vote on the market. Buy the games you’d like to see more of and skip the games in which you don’t like the message.”

Pixel Project Blog Interview Selection #14: Gaming For Pixels Interview – Stephanie Harvey, Canada

Stephanie Harvey is the Co-Founder of Misscliks. A five-time world champion in competitive Counter-Strike and longtime female pro-gaming icon, Stephanie Harvey currently plays professionally for the all-female team CLG Red. She also worked as a game designer for Ubisoft Montreal, having notably been part of development for Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands and Far Cry Primal. Her 16 years in e-Sports as a player and 7 years in the industry as a developer awarded her a Forbes 30 under 30 title in 2014 and one of the BBC 100 women of 2016. When discussing how to tackle sexism and misogyny in gaming, she says: “I believe there is no perfect solution to harassment in gaming but I do believe there are multiple steps that we can do to help. For example, I believe that game companies need to be aware and provide tools for players to protect themselves from harassment. I also believe that online platforms such as Twitter, Twitch or YouTube could do a lot more more to help against harassment on their websites.”

Pixel Project Blog Interview Selection #15: Survivor Stories Interview – Trisha Williams, USA

Trisha Williams is a survivor of domestic violence, a Christian, a writer, and a wife, mother and grandmother dedicated to her community. Despite being diagnosed with a host of nerve conditions due to domestic violence, she leads a busy life. After leaving her job at the Department of Labour, Trisha reinvented herself and began a successful career in writing fiction; she has published 6 novellas and a Christian stage play for teens. Trisha recently became vice president of Purple Hightops N Stilettos, a group leading the fight against domestic violence based in Las Vegas. Trisha says: “Join and collaborate with other survivors and domestic violence organisations. If your community doesn’t offer one, start one. Americans need to keep writing to Congress to stay on top of domestic violence laws and provide funding for continued advocacy programmes.”

Pixel Project Blog Interview Selection #16: Survivor Stories Interview – Vanessa King, USA

Vanessa King, a survivor of domestic violence and founder of Queen Nefertiti Productions LLC, produces beauty pageants. She’s one of the first recipients of the Jewel Award and has appeared in “Who’s Who in Black Columbus” for exemplary work in her community. She’s also received recognition for community service from government officials. Vanessa says: “I want to tell other women and girls facing the same situation that they are not alone, they are beautiful and there are people who love them. It may be hard to get out of the situation, but there are resources, organisations and people who will help them not only get out of the situation, but also help them to start a new life without the violence. Speak out and let family and close friends know what is going on – don’t be silent. There are many people who will help. Make a plan to get away from your abuser.”


Photo Credits:

  1. Anuja Gupta – Courtesy of RAHI Foundation
  2. Brynhildur Heiðar- og Ómarsdóttir – Courtesy of the Icelandic Women’s Rights Association
  3. Hyacinth Nil and Reed Lewis – Courtesy of Abyssal Uncreations
  4. Ian Gregory – Courtesy of Witching Hour Studios
  5. Karin Alfredsson – Courtesy of Karin Alfredsson
  6. Lesley Ackrill – Courtesy of Interval House
  7. Lisa Foster – Courtesy of Lisa Foster
  8. Madeleine Rees, OBE – Courtesy of The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
  9. Martha Wells – Courtesy of Martha Wells, Photographer: Igor Kraguljac
  10. Michelle Tan – Courtesy of Fundeavour
  11. PC Cast – Courtesy of PC Cast
  12. Pragna Patel – Courtesy of Southall Black Sisters
  13. Sig Gunnarsson – Courtesy of Studio Wumpus
  14. Stephanie Harvey – Courtesy of Stephanie Harvey
  15. Trisha Williams – Courtesy of Trisha Williams
  16. Vanessa King – Courtesy of Vanessa King

The Pixel Project Selection 2017: 16 Striking Campaigns for the Cause to End Violence Against Women

Every year, we at The Pixel Project come across a wide variety of innovative and powerful campaigns tackling Violence Against Women (VAW) by our fellow activists and non-profits from around the globe, and 2017 is no exception. With the power of the Internet, many of the campaigns featured in this year’s list had global outreach. The year began with a global Women’s March and is ending with multiple campaigns taking the #MeToo movement forward.

We acknowledge that anti-VAW campaigners put themselves in perilous situations to advocate for the safety of others and we are immeasurably grateful for their bravery. From women marching the streets to women combating harassment online, each and every action, large or small, counts.

So today, in honour of all VAW activists, nonprofits and grassroots groups who toil in such thankless situations to bring about positive change to the lives of women and girls facing violence, we present 16 of the most striking campaigns/programmes we have come across in the last year of our work.

What these campaigns have in common are:

  • The built-in “water-cooler” factor that gets the community buzzing about the campaign and, by extension, the issue of VAW.
  • A good sense of what works in and for the culture and community where the activist/nonprofit/grassroots group is trying to effect change.

We hope that these campaigns and initiatives inspire you to take action and get on board the cause to end VAW.

It’s time to stop violence against women. Together.

Written and compiled by Rubina Singh.


Striking Anti-VAW Campaign #1: #Balancetonporc (Expose Your Pig) – France

Post the #MeToo movement, women in France have been using the hashtag #Balancetonporc or ‘Expose your pig’ to talk about sexual harassment by men in powerful positions. Created by French journalist Sandra Muller, many French women came forward online to share their experiences with sexual harassment and sexual abuse using the hashtag.

Striking Anti-VAW Campaign #2: Boxing against Gender-based Violence – Namibia

To raise awareness about gender-based violence and a new toll-free helpline, the Namibian boxing community organised a one-of-a-kind boxing match. Using mysterious names for the boxers, the match showed a large man in a boxing ring getting ready to fight against a smaller woman. The campaign garnered a lot of attention over social media and helped in promoting the toll-free helpline for victims of violence.

Striking Anti-VAW Campaign #3: Cheer Up Luv – United Kingdom

Photojournalist Eliza Hatch wanted to use her skills to shine a light on the high prevalence of sexual harassment against women in cities like London and she has achieved this through her photo series ‘Cheer Up Luv’. The campaign aims to document women who have experienced sexual harassment on any scale in a public setting. Women covered in the series share their stories of sexual harassment in their own words, taking ownership of the narrative around their experiences.

Francesca from Eliza Hatch on Vimeo.

Striking Anti-VAW Campaign #4: Criminal Minds Awareness Campaign – South Korea

To raise awareness about VAW, tvN’s South Korean remake of the popular American TV show Criminal Minds, along with the city of Seoul, initiated a joint anti-VAW campaign earlier this year. Through the campaign, the network and Seoul Metropolitan government inform citizens about Seoul’s women protection policies. The TV show is also set to showcase information about these policies in tandem with an online and on-ground awareness campaign.

Striking Anti-VAW Campaign #5: #Dearcatcallers – The Netherlands

Noa Jansma, a 20-year-old college student from Amsterdam who was fed up with daily instances of street harassment, decided to start a month-long campaign taking selfies with her harassers. Through her campaign called ‘Dear Catcallers’, Noa took selfies with almost everyone who harassed her on the streets during that one month in order to raise awareness about street harassment. Post-campaign, @Dearcatcallers has more than 350,000 followers on Instagram and Noa plans to share the handle with other women across the world, encouraging them to take the campaign forward.

Striking Anti-VAW Campaign #6: #DearSister – Egypt and Worldwide (Online)

Started by Egyptian journalist Mona Eltahawy, #DearSister came in response to incessant policing of Muslim women by random men. Targeting widespread sexism faced by many Muslim women, the campaign saw thousands of women sharing stories of men telling them how to dress or behave.

Striking Anti-VAW Campaign #7: Ending Violence Against Female Garment Workers – South and Southeast Asia

Global Fund for Women along with C&A Foundation and Gender at Work initiated a three-year long campaign to address VAW in the garment industry in South and Southeast Asia, particularly Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Myanmar and Vietnam. The campaign will strengthen existing organisations working to eliminate gender-based violence in the garment industry. Given that 80% of the employees in the industry are women, and at least half of them have encountered some form of abuse in their employment, this campaign is a much needed step in the right direction.

Striking Anti-VAW Campaign #8: Hunger Strike against Sexual Harassment Campaign – India

Fearful – and fed-up – of sexual harassment on their way school in a neighboring village, 13 teenage girls in India decided to go on a hunger strike. The students refused to eat food for eight days until the government finally intervened and assured the girls that their commute would be safe from now on. Thanks to their efforts, these girls will now have a secondary school in their village, allowing them to avoid a long commute for school and ensuring a safer learning environment for them.

Striking Anti-VAW Campaign #9: #Justice4her – Ghana

Following the rape of a four year old girl, Ghana witnessed large-scale public outcry to ensure that appropriate action was taken. Using the hashtag #Justice4her, campaigners were successful in facilitating the ordering of an investigation into the case. Prior to the campaign, local traditional leaders had refused to take action as ‘the community gods deemed the suspect innocent’. The campaign has also helped to raise $4000 towards reconstructive surgery for the child.

Striking Anti-VAW Campaign #10: #MeToo Movement – USA and Worldwide (Online)

Probably the most viral and widespread campaign of 2017, the #MeToo movement was officially started by activist Tarana Burke over a decade ago. However, this year, after multiple accusations of sexual assault were made against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, actress Alyssa Milano propelled the campaign to an unprecedented level, encouraging all women who have faced sexual abuse to use the hashtag. According to Facebook, within 24 hours of Alyssa Milano’s initial tweet, 4.7 million people from across the world engaged in the #metoo conversation.

Striking Anti-VAW Campaign #11: Miss Peru Pageant Highlights VAW Statistics – Peru

In a unique awareness campaign, contestants on the Miss Peru recited shocking statistics of violence against women rather than talking about their body measurements. The remainder of the pageant also focused on violence against women and utilised the opportunity to share this information with many viewers. Following the pageant, the contestants have also planned to hold a march in Lima to continue their efforts.

Striking Anti-VAW Campaign #12: #NoEsDesHombres – Mexico

UN Women and the Mexican Government collaborated on a unique campaign to address sexual harassment in public transport called #NoEsDesHombres (‘This isn’t manly’). As a part of the campaign, they placed a ‘penis seat’ on the Mexico City Metro and filmed reactions of commuters. The viral video was targeted at raising awareness about sexual harassment, particularly with men.

Striking Anti-VAW Campaign #13: #Undress522 – Lebanon

Lebanese artist Mireille Honein created an art installation featuring wedding dressing hanging by nooses in Beirut as part of a wider campaign #Undress522. The campaign targeted Article 522 which allowed a rapist to escape prosecution if he married the victim. Thanks to the art installation and the larger campaign, Article 522 was repealed in August 2017.

Striking Anti-VAW Campaign #14: “What Were You Wearing?” Art Exhibit – USA

Many women have experienced victim blaming in one form or another when it comes to incidents of VAW. One of the most common questions that women are asked is, “What were you wearing?” Highlighting the fact that clothing has no relevance when it comes to VAW, Jen Brockman, the director of KU’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Education Center, and Dr. Mary A. Wyandt-Hiebert, who oversees all programming initiatives at the University of Arkansas’ rape education center, curated an art exhibit showcasing various outfits that women were wearing when they faced sexual violence. The exhibit was on display in the University of Kansas this year and hopes to promote awareness about sexual violence and combat victim blaming.

Striking Anti-VAW Campaign #15: #White Wednesdays – Iran

To protest mandatory dress codes, Iranian women are sharing pictures of themselves in white headscarves or clothing using the hashtag #WhiteWednesdays. Hundreds of women have joined the campaign and hope that their public outcry brings some freedom from forced dress codes. The hashtag and an organisation opposed to the mandatory dress code, My Stealthy Freedom, were both started by Masih Alinejad.

Striking Anti-VAW Campaign #16: Women’s March – Worldwide

Initially a response to President Donald Trump’s win in the forty-fifth US Presidential Election, the women’s march became a global movement of women showing solidarity and standing together for women’s rights everywhere. With over five million protesters across the world, the Women’s March is now regarded as the single biggest protest in modern history.


Photo Credits

  1. #DearSister – Photo from “#DearSister: Muslim women fed up of being lectured” (BBC News)
  2. Hunger Strike Against Sexual Harassment Campaign – Photo from “India schoolgirls on hunger strike to fight sexual harassment” (BBC News)
  3. ‘What were you wearing?’ Art Exhibit – Photo from “Art Exhibit Powerfully Answers the Question “What Were You Wearing?” (Huffington Post)

16 Memorable Stories of Standing Up to Street Harassment 2017

The Pixel Project is pleased to share the seventh annual blog list of 16 memorable stories of women dealing with street harassment, which has been kindly compiled by Holly Kearl, Founder of our partner Stop Street Harassment and one of our 16 Female Role Models of 2010.

Through Facebook and her Stop Street Harassment website, Holly receives and shares stories of women fighting back against street harassment. She shares these stories to help raise awareness of this particular type of violence against women as well as provide inspiration and ideas for everyone on making public places and spaces safe for women. Almost 100% of women and girls experience street harassment in their lifetimes, ranging from the uncomfortable to the downright dangerous.

This list provides a starting point for all to learn about and discuss the impact of street harassment. We hope it’ll inspire you to take action.

It’s time to stop violence against women. Together.

– Regina Yau, Founder and President, The Pixel Project

Holly’s picture is courtesy of Stop Street Harassment.


Empowering Response #1: Street Harasser Selfies – Amsterdam, The Netherlands

For a month, 20-year-old Noa Jansma, a student from Amsterdam, took selfies with every man who catcalled her to show how often it happens. Her 30 photos taken with men who willingly stood with her and didn’t seem to understand that their behavior was inappropriate or wrong went viral. Her project was covered by every major media outlet, bringing lots of attention to the topic. Only one man even asked her why she wanted the photo. She was harassed more than the 30 times, but other times felt too unsafe to ask for the photo or the man was already gone.

Empowering Response #2: Reporting an Upskirting Creep – Washington D.C., USA

A woman riding an escalator at a Metro station in Washington, D.C. felt a man’s hand go up under her skirt. She later filed a report at www.wmata.com/harassment and when the transit police reviewed the CCTV footage, they saw the young man had taken an upskirt photo of her. They also saw him do it to other women across that day at the same location. Later, thanks to her initial report, they were able to arrest him.

Empowering Response #3: Publicly Humiliating A Harasser – Chicago, Illinois, USA

CG was walking her dog in Chicago when a man in a work uniform knelt down to pet her dog. When he got up to walk away, he slapped CG’s ass. At first, she was stunned, but then she followed him for 10 minutes yelling that, “THIS GUY JUST ASSAULTED ME WITHOUT MY CONSENT” and “THIS GUY’S A PERVERT.” When he turned around and yelled that CG was “crazy” and “should go home and act like a lady,” she really let him have it. She said, “I’ll bet he thinks twice before he assaults someone again.” She suggests to others: “Calling them out on it. LOUDLY. And if you’re on the street and someone is calling a harasser out, go to her and ask if she needs help. Just be there in case the asshole tries to retaliate.”

Empowering Response #4: Publicly Humiliating A Harasser – Los Angeles, California, USA

Anonymous was getting onto a bus in Los Angeles and her husband and friends were boarding behind her. As she looked for a seat, a man stood up and pulled her onto a seat next to him and said, “You’re sitting HERE!” When she tried to get up, he pushed her back down. Anonymous said that’s when she lost her temper and yelled at him and pointed out that she wasn’t alone. When the guy turned to look, she stood up and shoved him across the aisle. His instinct was to look at her husband and worry he was going to hurt him, but the husband laughed and said it looked like his wife could take care of herself.

Everyone on the bus laughed at him then and the guy went to the front of the bus and waited to get off at the next stop. The bus driver yelled at him when he exited, “Don’t ever come back and leave women alone!” Anonymous said, “That was when I finally stood up for myself…I stopped tolerating harassment a lot after that.”

Empowering Response #5: Shutting Down A Pervert – Anonymous

One day as FM was waiting for the bus with a friend, a car driven by an old man stopped near them and he asked for information about a street. She gave him this information, and then he questioned her, “Do you enjoy sex?” She was very embarrassed and didn’t know what to say. Then he asked several other questions about sex before she asked pointedly, “Do I have to call the police?” and he left.

Empowering Response #6: Making Street Harassment A Crime – France

France’s secretary of state for gender equality, Marlène Schiappa, who has experienced street harassment directly, has spent the past few weeks working to make street harassment a national crime. Her efforts have raised a lot of important conversations about street harassment in the country.

Empowering Response #7: Cream Cakes Against Harassers – Scotland

FL was walking along a busy street in broad daylight in a town in Scotland. She was 14-years-old. A man who was part of a group of men walking behind her came up to her and stuck his hand up her skirt and groped her. She turned around, shocked and saw that they were all laughing. She immediately took the cream cake she was eating and smacked it in her assailant’s face.

Empowering Response #8: Calling Out A Pest – Texas, USA

Sarah in Texas was walking from her office to the bus stop when a man kept pestering her, following her and trying to get her attention. She said that finally, after another “just want to talk to you” comment from him, she turned to him and very loudly said, “I don’t want to talk to you!” He got the message and walked away.

Empowering Response #9: Flipping Off A Catcaller – Wokingham, United Kingdom

Heather in Wokingham, UK, said she was cat called by a man who sat in the passenger seat of a white van when she was walking to her car after work. She noticed there was a girl’s school very nearby and she worried whether he did that, or worse, to the girls. She gave him a withering look, turned around and showed him her middle finger before taking down the license plate of the van and reporting it to the police.

Empowering Response #10: Butts Are Not For Leering At  – Alaska, USA

When anonymous was 16-years-old and in a store in Alaska with her mom, an older man let them pass by him. Then he said, “I let you go in front of me so that I can watch you from behind. Oh, I’m sorry, that was a compliment, you should take it as one.” Anonymous said she felt scared, embarrassed and disgusting, but her mom turned to him and told him off.

Empowering Response #11: Preganant Woman Pushes Back  – Anonymous

Anonymous was walking down the street in Washington while 35 weeks pregnant. She noticed a white unmarked van driving very slowly behind her. Once the van was alongside her, the driver leaned out the window leering at her. He then said, “Oh yeah baby, daaamn.” She told him that she thought he was disgusting.

Empowering Response #12: Bus Driver Takes Action  – Manchester, United Kingdom

RP was 17-years-old and riding a bus with a friend in Manchester, UK, from school to band practice.  An older man in his 40s kept leering at her and smiling creepily. When the girls got off at their stop, he got off too. RP and her friend got on different buses at that point and the man got on RP’s bus. The bus was pretty empty, and yet he followed her and sat right by her. She got up and ran to the bus driver and told him she thought the man was following her. Her stop was coming up and it was in a remote area and she worried what he’d do next. Thankfully, the bus driver believed her and when she got off the bus, he didn’t allow the man to get off at that stop. Some of the other passengers assisted the driver. RP made it to her destination safely. She wrote, “All I can say is thank you to that bus driver and fellow passengers who stopped him following me inside the primary school. I’m also thankful I wasn’t headed home as he doesn’t know where I live.”

Empowering Response #13: Hauling Up The Police – Quezon City, The Philippines

When a 21-year-old woman experienced catcalling at the hands of police in Quezon City, The Philippines, she filed a police report. Street harassment is illegal in the city under a 2016 ordinance. The two men were charged with violating the ordinance and while they wait for sentencing, they have been put on leave from their jobs. This is the first case filed under the new ordinance.

Empowering Response #14: A Comforting Hand  – Rome, Italy

A man grabbed AC and he kept trying to pull her toward him on the street in Rome. When she broke free, she ran across the street into traffic to escape. She said when she reached the other side, “An elderly woman gave me a kind smile and patted my arm without saying anything. That gesture did so much to comfort me and helped me know that I’m not invisible.”

Empowering Response #15: Intervention With Luggage  – San Francisco, California, USA

When AH was riding the train in San Francisco, she noticed a man standing too close to a woman. She stuck her luggage between them and he moved and found a new target. AH kept trying to get his attention, but he ignored her, so she tapped the young woman on the shoulder and pointed out what was happening. He got angry and shoved AH’s bag, but he did exit the train. AH wrote, “I was very shaken up. I had never called someone out for harassing another person before, but I felt very protective of other women in that moment. People came up to me afterwards and said I did the right thing and they would have backed me up. The first girl also thanked me because she wasn’t sure what had happened until she saw him do it to someone else. I hope that my choice to step out will cause others to be aware of their surroundings and to speak up if they see someone being harassed.”

Empowering Response #16: Male Ally Does Good  – Texas, USA

Kensa was walking in Texas when a man on a motorcycle pulled up next to her and began paying her “compliments.” At first, she said thank you to appease him, but then he kept demanding she get on his bike and take a ride with him. He got angry when she refused and repeatedly pestered her until a man nearby intervened, saying, “You can clearly see that she is not interested. You’re scaring this poor girl.” This did not deter the motorcyclist at first and he kept telling her to get on, but the bystander stayed with Kensa and kept telling the man, “She’s not interested.” Finally, the motorcyclist left.


Photo Credits:

  1. Picture 1 – From Dear Catcallers (https://www.instagram.com/p/BZeIQuoF6CZ/)
  2. Picture 2 – From ‘France considers tough new laws to fight sexual harassment and abuse’ (The Guardian/PDN/Sipa/Rex/Shutterstock)
  3. Picture 3 – Courtesy of Stop Street Harassment (www.stopstreetharassment.org)
  4. Picture 4 – From ‘2 cops lose smirk in QC’s 1st case vs catcalling’ (Inquirer.net)

16 Individuals and Groups Working To Stop Violence Against Women In Gaming

Since the 1980s, the link between video games and its potential to cause or instigate violent behaviour (particularly in children and youth) has been a topic of comment, study, and research. Yet while sexism, misogyny, and violence against women (VAW) in video games has been noted as far back as 1982 with the protests against Custer’s Revenge by women’s groups for its inclusion and depiction of rape, VAW continued to be exploited by video games and normalised as part of gaming culture.

The major turning point arrived when the #Gamergate controversy erupted in 2014 and the sexism and violence in the gaming community and industry caught the attention of mainstream media as many women developers and gamers were publicly targeted by male gamers through online abuse, doxxing, and rape and death threats. Some of these women even moved homes because of the magnitude of the threat of violence.

Gamergate highlighted the urgent need to address the large-scale sexism and violence experienced by female gamers, especially in the tremendously popular MMO games where gamers gather online in teams and bullying and harassment is as easy as sending a volley of abusive misogynistic vitriol over one’s microphone. Many individual activists, groups and gaming companies have started working on accelerating ongoing efforts, preventing and addressing this violence. Their change-making efforts are slowly paying off: post-Gamergate there has been an increase in women entering the gaming industry as developers, reviewers, and players.

In this list, we present 16 individuals and organisations working to directly address and eliminate VAW in gaming in various ways ranging from critiquing video gaming violence and conducting research on gaming and sexism to building more female-friendly spaces in gaming and paving the way for VAW-free videogames in the market.

With 52% of gamers identifying as women, it’s definitely time to stop violence against women in gaming. Together.

Introduction by Rubina Singh and Regina Yau; Written and compiled Rubina Singh with additional content by Regina Yau


Campaigner Against VAW in Gaming #1: Anita Sarkeesian – Canada

Anita Sarkeesian is a feminist social critic and founder of Feminist Frequency who has been fighting to end VAW in gaming for many years. Through her web series Tropes vs Women in Video Games, Anita shone a light on the rampant sexism and violence against women prevalent not only in video games but also within the gaming community. Thanks to her work, Anita has been the target of vicious harassment campaigns time and again including the infamous Gamergate. While her work to bring an end to VAW in video games continues, Anita is also working towards online safety for women.

Campaigner Against VAW in Gaming #2: AnyKey – United States of America

AnyKey is an organisation dedicated to supporting and advocating for diversity in esports by fostering welcoming spaces and positive opportunities for competitive players of all kinds. Currently, the organisation’s research and initiatives are focused on women in esports, including providing competitive gamers with resources, support and opportunities, as well as collaborating with women in the industry to build better gaming spaces for women and girls.

Campaigner Against VAW in Gaming #3: Brianna Wu – United States of America

Brianna Wu is a video game developer and the co-founder of the game development studio Giant Spacekat. She also created one of the first video games with only female characters. A vocal opponent of sexism and VAW in video games, Brianna found herself facing extreme harassment and abuse in the wake of Gamergate. Brianna is now running for congress so she can participate in making changes at the policy level to ensure safety for women.

Campaigner Against VAW in Gaming #4: Code Liberation Foundation – United States of America

Code Liberation was started in 2013 to teach women, non-binary, femme and girl-identifying people to program. As part of their approach to addressing the underlying sexism in gaming, Code Liberation provides access to computer science to people who may not have considered entering STEAM fields because of sexism. By creating a supportive atmosphere for women and other non-binary folks, Code Liberation hopes to bring some much-needed change in the gaming industry.

Campaigner Against VAW in Gaming #5: Douglas Gentile – France and the United States of America

Dr. Douglas Gentile, a professor of psychology at Iowa State University, has been trying to shine a light on the impact of VAW in video games. In a recent study, Dr. Gentile and his team of researchers surveyed 13000 French adolescents and found a link between video games and sexism. While there has been previous research about the amount of VAW shown in video games, it would be dismissed on the grounds that it did not encourage users to emulate similar behavior. Dr. Gentile’s study, however, provides the missing piece of the puzzle – evidence that video games encourage sexist attitudes in young people.

Campaigner Against VAW in Gaming #6: Emily Matthew – Online

In 2012, Emily Matthew undertook an online survey with 874 participants to find out more about VAW and sexism in video games. According to her findings, 60% of female respondents faced harassment while playing video games and 79.3% agreed that sexism is prominent in the gaming community. Talking about why she undertook the research, Emily shared in an interview, “I have been a target of sexual harassment, especially when playing online on public servers with people I don’t know. I think that the community recognizes that it’s there. But there’s never really any sort of empirical data to use when discussing it or arguing against it. I only have anecdotes to describe what’s happening to me, and I think people take that less seriously than if you have hard data to support your claims.”

Note: Ms. Matthew’s photograph and country details are unavailable.

Campaigner Against VAW in Gaming #7: Jennifer Brandes Hepler – United States of America

Jennifer Brandes Hepler is the editor of Women in Game Development: Breaking the Glass-level Cap – a book which highlights the personal accounts of 22 women who work in the game industry regarding the encounters they have faced ranging from sexism and harassment to hostile employers. In the book, Hepler wrote: “If there is one thing you get from reading this book, I hope it is to recognise that there is no single narrative of being a ‘woman in games’. But although the characters change, the setting is the same, and the hostility and ignorance we have all faced continue to be a defining part of many women’s experience of games.” It is her belief that continuing to speak out about discrimination and violence against women in the industry as well as playing and creating games that counteract sexism and misogyny is the way forward.

Campaigner Against VAW in Gaming #8: Kanane Jones – United States of America

Kanane Jones is a video game developer and creator of the game Final Girls. As a survivor of abuse, Kanane wanted to develop a game that focuses on what happens to a survivor after the trauma and how they move on with their lives. While creating the game was cathartic for Kanane, she also hoped that it would bring more attention the issue of VAW.


Campaigner Against VAW in Gaming #9: Leigh Alexander – United States of America

Leigh Alexander is an author and journalist who focuses on writing about sexism and VAW in video games. She was former editor-at-large for Gamasutra and later became editor-in-chief at Offworld a gaming site focused on diversity and inclusiveness within the gaming community. Like many of the women on this list, Leigh was also harassed and abused during Gamergate.


Campaigner Against VAW in Gaming #10: MissCliks – Online

MissCliks is an organisation comprising gaming community leaders who  banded together to use their influence and voices to champion a world where people of all genders can participate in geek and gamer culture without fear of prejudice or mistreatment while enjoying acceptance and opportunity. At present, the MissCliks team is focused on “recognising the under-representation of women as role models in geek and gaming culture, giving support and exposure to those female role models, and helping to create a culture of authenticity, advocacy, unity, and bravery.”

Campaigner Against VAW in Gaming #11: Nina Freeman – United States of America

Nina Freeman is a game developer who is transforming the industry by creating innovative video games about sex and relationships without any form of VAW.  Many of her games are autobiographical in nature and she has also made a game called Freshman Year that explores abuse and unwanted attention in a college setting. Talking about the relevance of her work, Nina shared, “It felt really good to be a part of a community of women who care about helping the industry become more diverse and inclusive. It’s definitely an important pursuit.”

Campaigner Against VAW in Gaming #12: Punchdrunk Games – United States of America

Led by a group of women and non-binary folks, Punchdrunk Games is a video game development company that creates games without any form of VAW. Their most popular game to date has been Regicide: Tale of the Forgotten Thief, where the player follows the story of a female lead. One of the team members, Jelly Rains shared in an interview about how she feels that their involvement in the gaming industry will help to make it safer for women: “When I heard about GG [Gamergate], I realised that there was a need to make the gaming industry safe for my daughter and all other young women. The only way I can make sure that happens is by me being in the game industry myself.”

Campaigner Against VAW in Gaming #13: Randi Lee Harper – United States of America

Post-Gamergate, Randi Harper wanted to facilitate systemic changes which prevent online abuse from occurring. As a game developer, Randi faced online abuse even before Gamergate and had created a tool known as ‘ggautoblocker’ to protect users from mob harassment on Twitter. She later founded the Online Abuse Prevention Network to prevent and mitigate targeted abuse online.


Campaigner Against VAW in Gaming #14: Re-figuring Innovation in Games – Canada

Re-figuring Innovation in Games (ReFIG) is a project undertaken by a team of researchers and led by Professor Jennifer Jenson from York University. A team member – Dr. Alison Harvey from the University of Leicester’s Department of Media and Communication – explained, “Women and girls have largely been excluded from games culture − as players, makers and protagonists. Additionally, many of those who do participate in games have been publicly harassed both online and offline as exemplified by the ‘Gamergate’ hate campaign. Addressing long-standing gender inequalities in the global digital games industry is a vital means by which to stimulate innovation and sustain the growth and consolidation of this massive creative arena.” Through the project, the team seeks to address these issues and develop an inclusivity toolkit for the games industry and gender-inclusive curricula for game programmes and incubators among other outcomes.

Campaigner Against VAW in Gaming #15: Shannon Sun-Higginson – United States of America

To bring mainstream attention to sexism and misogyny in the gaming industry, Shannon Sun-Higginson directed a documentary called Get The F**k Out (GTFO) in 2012. The documentary looked at the commonplace VAW in the gaming community through interviews with video game developers, journalists and academics.


Campaigner Against VAW in Gaming #16: Zoe Quinn – United States of America

Zoe Quinn is a video game developer and programmer who was at the center of the infamous Gamergate controversy. Zoe had spoken out about gender inequality in gaming for many years, and post Gamergate, she faced immense online harassment and abuse. The controversy brought mainstream attention to VAW in gaming. She is now working to address online abuse through her organisation Crash Override.



Photo Credits:

  1. Anita Sarkeesian – From “Anita Sarkeesian” (Jessica Zollman / Anita Sarkeesian)
  2. Brianna Wu – From “Brianna Wu vs. the Gamergate Troll Army” (Michael Friberg / Inc.)
  3. Code Liberation Foundation – From “Interview with Phoenix Perry of Code Liberation Foundation” (VG Revolution)
  4. Douglas Gentile – From “Researchers find Video Games Influence Sexist Attitudes” (Iowa State University News Service)
  5. Jennifer Brandes Helper – From “How women in gaming face hostility” (Polygon)
  6. Jennifer Jenson – From “Distinguished Scholars – DiGRA
  7. Kanane Jones – From Kanane Jones on Google+
  8. Leigh Alexander – From “Leigh Alexander Bio” (Kotaku)
  9. MissCliks – From MissCliks.com
  10. Nina Freeman – From “Meet Nina Freeman, the Punk Poet of Gaming” (The Guardian)
  11. Punchdrunk Games – Still of Regicide from “Punchdrunk Games” (Facebook)
  12. Randi Lee Harper – From ‘Randi Lee Harper on Twitter’
  13. Jennifer Jenson – From “Distinguinshed Scholars – DiGRA
  14. Shannon Sun-Higginson – From www.shannonsun.com
  15. Zoe Quinn – From “Gamergate Target Zoe Quinn can Teach us How to Fight Online Hate” (Wired)


The Pixel Project Selection 2017: 16 films about Violence Against Women

Welcome to the 6th annual The Pixel Project selection of powerful and thought-provoking films, documentaries and television shows that depict violence against women and girls. This annual list that sheds light on the various forms of violence against women seeks not only to educate but also to catalyse change. And it is our hope that with understanding comes action, even it is in the form of small contributions – ‘little stones’, as one documentary on this list puts it.

This year, our selection includes documentaries that are decades old, yet the issues they bring up still affect women and communities around the world today. And in this age of Trump, Weinstein, and #MeToo, it would also be remiss of us if we did not also include the latest and most talked-about television series of 2017  –  Hulu’s adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s eerily prescient The Handmaid’s Tale which depicts a world where violence against and the subjugation of women is completely normalised, something we could easily imagining happening should nothing be done to stem the tide of violence against women.

Yet all hope is not lost, though. The 16 films, series, and documentaries essentially tells the stories of survivors and others who are fighting to change things. We hope that their stories will inspire you to think about what you can do to contribute to the fight to end violence against women.

Introduction by Anushia Kandasivam and Regina Yau. Written and compiled Anushia Kandasivam with additional content by Regina Yau


Selection number 1: A Better Man

This Canadian documentary comprises a series of intimate conversations between ‘Steve’ and Attiya Khan, a former couple who were in an abusive relationship twenty years ago. Khan and Steve’s two-year physically- and emotionally-abusive relationship ended when Khan, then 18, literally ran away from him one night. The documentary, filmed with consent from both parties, sees Khan and Steve speak about what they remember of the relationship and gain understanding of each other and themselves. An interesting look at intimate partner violence, the film makes clear that abusers need help, not just societal censure.


Selection number 2: A Cry for Help: The Tracey Thurman Story

This 1989 TV-movie is about a woman who leaves an abusive relationship, only to be stalked and harassed by her ex-husband, while being unable to get help from the apathetic local police force. The film is based on the 1985 ruling of the US court in Thurman v City of Torrington, where Thurman sued the city police department for failure of equal protection under the law for ignoring signs of domestic violence and casually dismissing restraining orders and other legal bars to keep Thurman’s ex-husband away from her.


Selection number 3: A Walk to Beautiful

Women in rural Ethiopia face a long and arduous journey, literally and figuratively, when they go to the capital Addis Ababa to seek treatment for obstetric fistula, a complication of childbirth that sees them become outcasts in their villages and a hidden epidemic that nobody talks about because it is a problem of poor women. This award-winning Ethiopian documentary shows the physical, social and psychological trauma these very young women go through because of their condition and what successful treatment means – a chance for new and fulfilling life.


Selection number 4: Brave Miss World

In 1998, six weeks before being crowned Miss World, 18-year old Miss Israel Linor Abargil was stabbed and raped while on a modelling job in Milan. This documentary sees her telling her story without shame, something she has done from the very beginning, and shows how Abargil’s advocacy for victims of VAW has encouraged women in Israel and around the world to report their rapes and tell their own stories.

Brave Miss World – Theatrical Trailer from Brave Miss World on Vimeo.


Selection number 5: Calling the Ghosts

A first-person account of two women’s experiences of torture and rape during the Bosnian War, this award-winning documentary is an intimate, emotional and sometimes graphic look at what Jadranka Cigelj and Nusreta Sivac, childhood friends, lawyers and Muslim Croats, went through at the hands of their Serb captors. The film also documents how they eventually channelled their experiences into fighting for justice for other women, successfully lobbying to have rape included in the international lexicon of war crimes by the UN Tribunal at the Hague.


Selection number 6: God Sleeps in Rwanda

This award-winning documentary follows five Rwandan women as they navigate their lives after the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, which left the country majority female. This unique film touches on how the lives of women have changed, both in terms of opportunity and burden, as they live through the unprecedented consequences of the national tragedy, documenting their strength and perseverance.


Selection number 7: Invisible Crimes

This sequence by German filmmaker Wim Wenders is part of a series of five short films called Invisibles that examine problems that are overlooked around the world and the people who suffer from them. It was shot in the town of Kabalo in the Democratic Republic of Congo and documents war crimes, specifically rape as a weapon of war. The film has several women tell their stories to the camera frankly and openly as they fade in and out of view, giving the viewer an intimate insight into their experiences and understanding of how invisible they really are.


Selection number 8: Killer’s Paradise

A scathing look at the inadequacies of a police force and justice system, this documentary is about the unsolved murders and other forms of violence against women in Guatemala, an epidemic that has been growing since the end of the Guatemalan Civil War that ended in 1996. This film explains how fear of retaliation, unwilling and apathetic authorities, widespread corruption and a pervasive culture of misogyny and societal machismo contribute to the epidemic. Not without hope, the film also touches on new national programmes that aim to improve the situation and efforts to bring international attention to the plight of women in Guatemala.

Killer’s Paradise-English from Giselle Portenier on Vimeo.


Selection number 9: Little Stones

This documentary comprises the personal narratives of four women in Brazil, India, Germany and the US who are using art as a weapon to combat violence against women. The film’s title comes from a quote from suffragist and women’s right activist Alice Paul: “I always feel the movement is a sort of mosaic. Each of us puts in one little stone.” This film shows how these four  women use dance, song, fashion and graffiti art to educate, raise awareness and raise funds, each adding their little stone to the greater  movement to end violence against women, and hopefully encouraging others to add more little stones.


Selection number 10: Love You to Death: A Year of Domestic Violence

This documentary tells the stories of each of the 86 women who were killed by their male partners in the United Kingdom in 2013. Filmmaker Vanessa Engle wanted to give a face and a name to the figures of victims of domestic violence in her home country. It also gives voice to the survivors of the tragedy, who speak about their mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece or friend, allowing the viewer to get to know the women, how they lived, and how they died. Engle has said that the documentary holds a mirror up to life and she hopes that anyone seeing their own situation in the film will be able to “realise that it is bad, and that they might consider getting out of it”.


Selection number 11: Mrs Goundo’s Daughter

Mrs Goundo is an immigrant from Mali who went through female genital mutilation (FGM) as a young girl and is fighting for political asylum in the USA not just for herself but also for her two-year-old daughter for whom FGM is a real possibility if she returns to Mali. This documentary shows how women are particularly affected by the legal struggles surrounding immigration, and provides some insight into FGM and the communities who continue this practice.


Selection number 12: The Accused

This 1988 Hollywood movie starring Jodie Foster and Kelly McGillis is loosely based on the real-life gang rape of Cheryl Araujo and the resulting trial that received national news coverage in the US. The film was surrounded by controversy before and after it was released, with producers having to fight to get it made and because of what was considered one of the boldest portrayals of sexual assault on film at the time. This film is one of the first to explore the complex issues surrounding rape, including victim blaming and the responsibilities of bystanders.


Selection number 13: The Handmaid’s Tale

This television series has been called one of the most unnerving series to have ever come to the silver screen not just because of its clear, no-holds-barred depiction of what the politicisation and normalisation of violence against women can do to communities, society as a whole and even to civilisation as we know it but also because, the current state of the world being what it is, it is so easy to imagine the world it depicts becoming a reality. Based on Margaret Atwood’s 1985 novel of the same name, this series is set in the near future where human fertility rates are near zero and the few women found to be fertile are stripped of their identities and forced to be ‘handmaids’ whose sole purpose is to bear the children of upper class men. It follows the struggles of one handmaid as she fights to retain identity and dignity and escape totalitarianism.


Selection number 14: Umoja: The Village Where Men Are Forbidden

This documentary is an interesting and insightful look at Umoja Uaso, an all-female matriarch village in Kenya. Umoja Uaso was originally founded by a Samburu woman as a women-only community for survivors of rape who were forced out of their homes by their husbands for being ‘defiled’. Now, the village welcomes women and girls who are survivors of domestic violence and rape or running away from forced marriages and female genital mutilation. The village’s founder and matriarch Rebecca Lolosoli has faced threats and the village has been attacked by local men but she remains undeterred and determined to provide a sanctuary for Kenyan women and girls who have faced gender-based violence.


Selection number 15: Very Young Girls

In the United States, the average age for entry into prostitution is 13. This documentary follows the lives of 13- and 14-year-old girls who are seduced, abused, and sold on the streets of New York by pimps in a form of human trafficking that is rarely talked about. When arrested, the girls are also treated as adult criminals by the US justice system. The film features intimate interviews of the girls, footage of their interaction with their pimps and interviews with the people trying to help them find a new life.


Selection number 16: Woman

This documentary series takes a look at violence against women from a different angle by exploring its political impact throughout the world. It reports on issues such as domestic violence, sexual violence, unacknowledged murders of women, forced marriage and incarceration of mothers, and examines the status of women as an indicator of a nation’s stability and economic growth.

16 Ways Healthcare Professionals Can Help Prevent Violence against Women

This year, The Pixel Project is pleased to welcome a guest “16 For 16” article from RANZCOG – the leading standards body responsible for the training and education of doctors in obstetrics and gynaecology in Australia and New Zealand. RANZCOG provides consultative leadership and advocacy in #WomensHealth to ensure excellence in #obstetrics and #gynaecology training.


In Australia and around the world, violence against women is widespread, but it is also preventable. Intimate partner violence contributes to more death, disability and illness in women aged 15 to 44 than any other preventable risk factor.

As trusted leaders in the community who are on the frontlines of patient care, healthcare professionals are in a unique position to both respond to, and help prevent violence before it occurs.

Knowing where to start or what to do can be overwhelming. However, there are many opportunities to initiate change at any stage of your career, regardless of whether you are in training or are currently practicing.

Through awareness raising and education, by addressing attitudes that enable violence, and by working with support organisations, health professionals can make a major difference to the lives of women and girls experiencing violence.

Here are our 16 ways that health professionals can help prevent violence against women.


Idea for Healthcare Professionals #1: Integrate Awareness-Raising Through Learning

One of the best ways learning institutions can equip health professionals with the knowledge they need to help prevent violence against women, is to ensure that they are aware of the issues and drivers that enable violence. Raising awareness through the inclusion of modules or exam questions in the curriculum not only develops competency, but highlights violence against women as a very real problem.

Idea for Healthcare Professionals #2: Provide Opportunities to Level Up Skills

Ensuring that health professionals have access to skill building opportunities and resources is crucial to promoting best practices. Beyond knowing how to identify, respond and refer patients appropriately, it is also equally important that health professionals are skilled in handling these interactions sensitively and respectfully.

Idea for Healthcare Professionals #3: Support Research

By supporting, providing expertise to, and investing in research initiatives, health professionals across disciplines can contribute to understanding why these issues persist, and contribute to finding ways to prevent violence before it happens. For example, Melbourne University has some great partnerships and resources as part of the Melbourne Research Alliance to End Violence against women and their children. Click here for more information.

Idea for Healthcare Professionals #4: Acknowledge That Stereotyping of Violence Exists

A common trap that we fall into is the idea that violence is only perpetrated by, and to, a certain kind of person. While statistics tell us that there is a gendered nature to violence, it is important for health professionals to remember that violence occurs across all cultures, communities and religions regardless of wealth and education. There is no stereotypical victim of violence, but acknowledging that these attitudes exist is important.

Idea for Healthcare Professionals #5: Be A Leader, Speak Up

Recent research by the Medical Board of Australia found that doctors are among the most trusted professions. As leaders in the communities, health professionals are well placed to promote respect as part of a holistic approach to good health and well-being. By calling out behaviours that contribute to negative attitudes towards women, health professionals are able to set standards in their clinical practice, and amongst their colleagues, that violence is not acceptable.

Idea for Healthcare Professionals #6: Call Out Sexism

There is an opportunity for health professionals to prevent violence against women at an individual level by understanding the attitudes that drive violence. Sexist language, comments and behaviours are enablers that allow negative attitudes towards women to persist. By calling out these actions and making it very clear that this is not tolerated or accepted in the workplace, clinic or medical institution, it’s a step that all health professionals can make to help address damaging attitudes.

Idea for Healthcare Professionals #7: Set the Example

Behave in a way that signals to everyone that you take these issues very seriously. Everyone enjoys and is productive in a fun work environment, but sexist jokes, comments, and conversations set a poor example. Calling out sexist comments, allowing women to speak without interruption, and being respectful of physical boundaries are simple ways that you can show those around you how it’s possible to be a person people enjoy being around without demonstrating or encouraging poor behaviour.

Idea for Healthcare Professionals #8: Make Resources and Messaging Visible To Patients

Placing support resources around the workplace may seem like an insignificant measure, but it capitalises on an opportunity to reinforce a safe space without any formal exchange of words. Regardless of how friendly a workplace may be, there are many women who do not report violence for a number of reasons. Where possible, having these resources in both highly visible, and more discreet areas of the office, may allow a woman the opportunity she needs to access this information.

Idea for Healthcare Professionals #9: Create a ‘Cone of Trust’

Often times it is in a clinical or medical setting where evidence of violence is either identified and/or disclosed. For such reasons, the relationship between a health professional and patient is of significant importance. Ensuring patients feel safe, heard, and have confidence in the practitioner’s ability to provide the right support, enables a culture of trust where help can be sought.

Idea for Healthcare Professionals #10: Ask the Right Questions

Utilising a domestic violence screening tool can assist health professionals in identifying and responding to patients who are at risk of, or experiencing violence. Checking in with patients by asking general questions about their well-being is a good way to keep the communication pathways open. When violence is suspected, remaining sensitive to the reasons why a woman may have chosen not to disclose this information, and by asking the right questions can prompt opportunities for discussion.

Idea for Healthcare Professionals #11: Be Mindful Of Creating Unintentionally Unsafe Spaces

In circumstances where a woman has separated herself from a violent situation, it is useful for health professionals to be mindful that creating an unintended unsafe space is a possibility. Personal documentation and health records pertaining to a child or dependent from a previous violent relationship may allow a perpetrator unknown to health professionals, access to personal information, potentially compromising the safety of the woman. Ensuring that all staff that care for the patient are aware of such circumstances will ensure that confidentiality is upheld.

Idea for Healthcare Professionals #12: Know How, And Where, To Refer

Building relationships with legal centres, domestic violence crisis centres and community organisations that support women experiencing violence will ensure that the referral process is smooth and efficient. Maintaining these connections not only supports a collaborative approach, it also ensures the patient receives the right mental, social and medical supports necessary.

Idea for Healthcare Professionals #13: Understand Legal and Administrative Pathways

Having some basic knowledge of legal rights is extremely useful. Where it is not possible for a staff member on-site to have this knowledge, at the very least having access to legal support services or legal professionals will assist health professionals in providing an appropriate response. There are some great resources and initiatives out there, In Australia, 1800RESPECT has resources for support workers and professionals responding to women experiencing violence. Health Justice Partnerships in Victoria are also implementing a new legal welfare model into hospitals to make legal advice more accessible to women.

Idea for Healthcare Professionals #14: Take Good Notes

In the instance where a disclosure has been made, and a woman chooses to take legal action, patient notes can sometimes be called on as evidence to support her case. Doctors can assist in these circumstances by keeping detailed patient notes.

Idea for Healthcare Professionals #15: Recognise Your Unique Position

Healthcare professionals who care for women during pregnancy occupy a unique position in society. Demonstrate that you understand this by being a champion for women of all ages. Establish an environment of respect, challenge behaviours that cultivate negative attitudes towards women and don’t hesitate to let people know that violence or disrespect is not tolerated.

Idea for Healthcare Professionals #16: Use Your Influence

Never miss an opportunity to advocate for women’s safety. Your role in women’s health sets you apart and delivers unique opportunities for you to influence policy. Look for opportunities to have these discussions with your colleagues and professional networks. Don’t be afraid to make suggestions as to how your workplace could be more equitable. Get involved in initiatives that support prevention initiatives and tell your friends about it. Make the point. Deliver the message. Argue for change.