The Pixel Project Selection 2013 – 16 Notable Activists and Nonprofits You Should Follow on Twitter

Twitter with MegaphoneTwitter is one of the tools of the social media age that allows you to engage, connect and learn more at the click of a button. If you are thinking about joining in with women’s human rights campaigning in these #16days of activism (and beyond!), Twitter is a good place to start. You can read fresh articles, “listen” in on conversations on #vaw, and find out about a myriad of non-profit organisations and activists that are striving to make the world a better place for women and girls.

Want to know what your favourite anti-Violence Against Women organisations are up to? Then delve into the Twittersphere and find out in real time! Twitter allows us to find out about the latest campaigns, events and news going on in the movement. All you have to do is log on and tune in…

Today, we bring to you our second annual list of 16 organisations and activists that have found a way of making the Twittersphere work in their favour. Their tweets are informative, exciting, and think faster than the Internet can update. In other words: perfect examples of how social media can be a powerful tool for anyone who wants to join the fight towards gender equality.

Introduction by Angelique Mulholland with updates by Regina Yau; Twitter list compiled by Jerica Nonell; Curated and edited by Carol Olson and Regina Yau.


Twitter Follow Recommendation 1: Ann-Marie Wilson (@AM28toomany)

ann-marie wilsonAnn-Marie Wilson is the founder of an amazing organisation that fights Female Genital Mutilation called 28 Too Many. This organisation researches ways to enable local organisations throughout the African diaspora and allow them to fight to end the practice of FGM by providing them with tools and knowledge. Ann-Marie Wilson’s twitter is her personal account, which chronicles 28 Too Many’s events, as well as her thoughts and input on events around the world. She is endlessly fascinating and is unrelenting in her fight against FGM.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 2: Bell Bajao (@bell_bajao)

Bell BajaoBell Bajao, which means ‘Ring The Bell’ in Hindi, is an India-based anti-Violence Against Women campaign by Breakthrough – an international human rights organisation using the power of popular culture, media, leadership development and community education to combat violence against women. Bell Bajao started as series of trend-setting PSAs teaching audiences how to intervene to stop domestic violence by ringing the bell. Currently, they are campaigning to get 1 million men to pledge to stop violence against women in their communities. Bell Bajao’s Twitter account is lively with plenty of news about their campaigns and the latest updates on anti-Violence Against Women initiatives in India. They also jointly run a monthly Tweet-a-thon with The Pixel Project which has created hashtags such as #CyberVAW that has trended worldwide.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 3: Elisabeth Corey (@BeatingTrauma)

elisabeth coreyElisabeth Corey is a human trafficking and abuse survivor who uses technology to help other survivors in their path to recovery. Corey is rather new to the field of human trafficking advocacy but her voice is fresh and new. Her Twitter documents both her own path towards recovery and resources that are available to other survivors. Many of her tweets, which are linked to her blog, deal directly with the healing process and how to handle PTSD and disassociation. She gives a raw look into the world of recovery, which is needed in a society where many people do not understand how PTSD can affect a person. She highlights the positive of her recovery and the discoveries that she comes across through her own journey.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 4: EVAW Coalition (@EVAWhd)

end violence against womenEnd Violence Against Women (EVAW) Coalition is an organisation that works to end violence towards women throughout England and beyond. They provide information about VAW in all facets – FGM, trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual violence. One of their recent campaigns is asking women and artists to fight back against sexist and racist music videos called Rewind Reframe. Their Twitter stream is a constant update on this campaign and others, highlighting artists that involve themselves in their work. Currently, it consists mostly of Rewind Reframe and which videos need to be rethought. You can easily join the campaign and let them know which videos you think showcase women, especially women of color, in a negative spotlight.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 5: FORWARD UK (@forwarduk)

forwardukThe Foundation for Women’s Health, Research and Development, aka FORWARD UK, is a British organisation that works towards helping African women and girls to end FGM and child marriage. The organisation is nearly 30 years old and focuses on both African communities and the UK to improve sexual and reproductive health and rights. Many are unaware that practices such as FGM exist outside of African countries, but organisations such as FORWARD UK make sure to address the issue throughout all of the African diaspora. Their work throughout the UK and Africa saves lives and they have found the perfect way to incorporate such important messages through social media and make it effective.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 6: Girls Not Brides (@girlsnotbrides)

girls not bridesGirls Not Bride fights child marriage by working with NGOs around the world. By joining the communities around the world that practice child marriage, activists and those effected by child marriage are joined together and their voices can become stronger, louder. Girls Not Brides’ Twitter account provides constant updates on the statistics of child marriage, as well as resources for child brides. Their goal is to not only end child marriage, but to also take care of current child brides. Girls Not Brides is an inspiring organisation, even when their words must fit within a 140-word character limit.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 7: Ima Matul (@imahope4freedom)

ima matulIma Matul uses her personal encounter with human trafficking to help others that are in a similar position. Her Twitter stream provides insight into her activist work as well as suggest resources that survivors need to heal and grow. She works with the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking’s Survivor leadership and advocacy programme by speaking at conferences across the United States of America. In 2011, she began coordinating the National Survivor Network, which provides survivors support, as well as ways to become an advocate for change. Her advocacy work was recognised in 2012 by President Obama and the Clinton Global Initiative in regards to their own efforts end modern-day slavery and human trafficking.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 8: Leymah Gbowee (@leymahrgbowee)

leymah gboweeLeymah Gbowee is an African women’s right advocate who founded the Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa and was the 2011 Nobel Peace Laureate. Gbowee’s NGO provides equal access and development opportunities to Liberians. Just ten minutes of following Gbowee’s Twitter stream is more than enough time to understand completely how she has achieved all that she has. She writes beautifully and will make you want to jump out from behind your desk and join the movement. Follow her on Twitter and get inspired to start your very own grassroots revolution!

Twitter Follow Recommendation 9: MARD (@MardOfficial)

mardMen Against Rape and Discrimination is an organisation ran and founded by actor and director Farhan Akhtar. MARD has received most of its acclaim through the social media spheres, especially Twitter, making it a guaranteed great resource for information about its anti-Violence Against Women work. The organisation works with men to change their perspectives regarding their attitudes and behaviors towards women. The MARD Twitter account is often seen trending whenever a story about rape or discrimination becomes global news.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 10: Minh Dang (@minhspeakstruth)

minh dangMinh Dang previously worked as the Executive Director for Jada Pinkett Smith’s anti-human trafficking campaign, Don’t Sell Bodies. She is recognised for her work with DSB as one of fifteen Asian American/Pacific Islander women by the White House earlier in 2013. She is currently an independent consultant and speaker on issues of human trafficking. Dang’s Twitter account is a great resource for those who wish to keep up with developments in stopping human trafficking in the modern world. She knows the topic like the back of her hand and spreads her knowledge in a very accessible way via Twitter. Dang still works closely with DSB and many of their events are highlighted throughout her tweets.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 11: NO MORE (@NOMOREorg)

no moreNO MORE is a brand-new celebrity-driven campaign fighting against domestic violence and sexual assault. Their goal is to create a symbol that provides unity for those affected by domestic violence or sexual assault, one which can be displayed during high-profile media coverage or through one-on-one situations. NO MORE wants to end the stigma and silence surrounding these violent acts. Their most recognised PSAs involve the cast from Law and Order: Special Victims Unite and play during televised events, such as NASCAR. NO MORE’s Twitter will keep you up-to-date on the progress of their PSA campaign and how to get involved with their campaign.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 12: Say No UNiTE to End Violence against Women (@SayNo_UNiTE)

say no“Say No – UNiTE to End Violence against Women” is a major campaign that the UN create to spur global action to stop violence against women. Run by UN Women, the Say No – UNiTE campaign uses its unique platform to spread the word about advocacy efforts from around the world, both offline and on. Their Twitter account retweets from various global organisations about the work that they are doing. They promote the achievements of others and open up new opportunities for people around the world. Following Say No – UNiTE on Twitter is a must if you wish to keep up with what’s happening globally to stop violence against women. Say NO – UNiTE is also a partner of The Pixel Project.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 13: The SOLD Project (@thesoldproject)

the sold projectThe SOLD Project is an organisation that provides scholarships for at-risk children throughout Thailand. They focus on the issues of human trafficking, child prostitution, and sexual exploitation by recognising the key contributing factors, such as poverty and lack of education. They are very active on Twitter and is a great way to stay informed on the Thailand’s changing atmosphere of human trafficking. Through their Twitter account, The SOLD Project provides followers with a wealth of knowledge about human trafficking, including statistics and updates on films on the subject.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 14: White Ribbon (@whiteribbon)

White Ribbon CA logoWhite Ribbon is the world’s largest movement of men and boys working to end violence against women and girls, promote gender equity, healthy relationships and a new vision of masculinity.  They work to examine the root causes of gender-based violence and create a cultural shift that helps bring us to a future without violence. Their Twitter account is a useful resource for anyone who wishes to keep tabs on how men are helping to stop violence against women and girls as they use it to share news about their campaigns as well as news from White Ribbon participants, ambassadors and movements around the world. The White Ribbon campaign is a partner of The Pixel Project.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 15: Women Under Siege (@WomenUndrSiege)

women under siegeWomen Under Siege is a journalism project by the Women’s Media Center to investigate how sexual violence is used as a weapon during conflict and war. Though many people know that rape is weaponised to subjugate entire communities and countries, it is not a topic that can be talked about easily. We know it is there but the stories are not always easy to reach. Through their Twitter account, Women Under Siege gives these stories and the facts and figures behind them a high profile platform to help raise awareness about the atrocities and motivate the global audience to do something about them.

Twitter Follow Recommendation 16: Women’s Voices Now (@WomensVoicesNow)

womens voices nowWomen’s Voices Now is an organisation put together to empower Muslim women by promoting free expression. They are working to make women’s voices heard as they speak out against inequalities and violence. An interesting aspect of this organisation is that it uses and hosts films regarding the topics that they are passionate about, and was even able to start hosting film festivals in the United States. Their Twitter account brings these voices directly to you. Follow their tweets and click their links, and you will never feel far away from making the world a better, more tolerant place.

The Pixel Project Selection 2013 – 16 Notable Facebook Pages by Anti-Violence Against Women Organisations

Foto-FacebookFacebook quickly became one of the most used social networking sites.  It has grown from a gossip site to include cause- focused advocacy and global issues as part of its information sharing. Participants have shared, weighed in, debated, and joined virtual hands around the world to address a multitude of difficult human rights issues such as violence against women.  On Facebook, everyone becomes an activist and adds their voice to keep the subject – be it public rapes, female genital mutilation, or domestic violence – at the forefront of people’s minds with a simple click and share.

News stories, events, and opinions now go viral on sites like Facebook before they reach television.  Social networking has replaced the TV news show as a means to spread information happening not only in our communities, but around the world, linking what seemed like disparate and isolated acts of violence into a human rights issue that happens in every society and effects everyone.  On Facebook, hundreds of thousands of people share their opinion and demand action.  The power of Facebook seems to be limitless as one share equals 12 shares, which turns into 24, then 48, until over 100 people have seen and shared a piece of information, news link, or picture.

In this article, we highlight 16 anti-violence against women Facebook pages that are unique in their message and their delivery. This is our second annual list of recommended Facebook pages and we have selected them because they make an effort to temper humour with information, offer a significant way for their readers to help, and make those in the fight feel more powerful and part of something greater. They present a unique perspective on a global issue. So pick and choose a couple to ‘like’, or better yet – ‘like’ them all and get informed and take action.

Introduction by Michelle Cahill with updates by Regina Yau; 2013 list research and compiled by Jennifer Gallienne; Curated and Edited by Regina Yau and Carol Olson.


Recommended Facebook Page #1: Abuse No More – Global

abusenormoreAbuse No More is a public page of a network of closed Facebook groups designed to offer private and safe spaces for survivors to talk, share, and get support from one another. As part of their mission to help survivors of domestic violence heal and rebuild their lives, their public page offers a variety of positive quotes that help keep spirits buoyant. Like this page if you feel in need of a lift and domestic violence survivors who need a safe space to talk can directly request for admission to the closed support groups.

Recommended Facebook Page #2: Blank Noise – India

240_17216359533_6924_n (1)Blank Noise is led and run completely by volunteers. A core team of volunteers from across geographical locations and age groups work with the collective. Blank Noise seeks to trigger public dialogue on the issue of street sexual harassment. Fifty percent of Blank Noise members are male and are referred to as Blank Noise Guys. Blank Noise works towards an attitudinal shift towards ‘eve-teasing’ and involves the public to take collective responsibility of the issue. Their Facebook page is one of the best ones out there for those who wish to keep up with news about women’s rights and violence against women in India.

Recommended Facebook Page #3: Catalyst Foundation – Vietnam

34113_131455520216469_3151165_nCatalyst Foundation helps build communities in Vietnam to fight human trafficking. There is no simple option to stop trafficking. Catalyst Foundation believes there is only a holistic approach to ending this tragedy. Through education and community development, Catalyst works to give these communities and its daughters hope. Their Facebook page is a reflection of this and anyone interested in how the fight to stop human trafficking in Vietnam should follow them to get the latest news about their campaigns as well as more general news about the issue from a Vietnam perspective.

Recommended Facebook Page #4: Draw the line campaign – Canada

528705_434454069915980_1327101798_n‘Draw The Line’ is an interactive campaign that aims to engage Ontarians in a dialogue about sexual violence. The campaign challenges common myths about sexual violence and equips bystanders with information on how to intervene safely and effectively. It is ‘Draw the Line’s hope to educate about how to spot sexual violence and empower users to make a difference. The news mix on their Facebook page a slanted towards reporting on and educating young people in their teens and twenties about the subject of consent and why learning to recognise whether consent is given is one of the keys to stopping sexual assault and rape.

Recommended Facebook Page #5: Free The Slaves – global

1467463_662949593726741_1795916166_nFree the Slaves liberate slaves around the world and help survivors of slavery rebuild their lives. They research real world solutions to eradicate slavery forever, and fight the systems that allow slavery to exist in the first place. This organisation uses world class research and compelling stories from the front lines of slavery to convince the powerful and the powerless that we can end slavery. For those who are particularly interested in the issue of slavery, their page offers a great introduction to the cause for first-timers as they share a good mix of articles that put slavery into its historical context as well as human interest stories focused on activists and survivors.

Recommended Facebook Page #6: Global Network of Women Peacebuilders – Global

13293_119001241462231_4267292_nThe Global Network of Women Peacebuilders, a program partner of the International Civil society Action network (ICAN), is a coalition of women’s groups and other civil society organisations from Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, and Latin America that are directly involved in advocacy and action for the full implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1325 and 1820 (1888, 1889) on Women, Peace and Security at the local, national, regional, and international levels. They work to bridge the “gap between policy discussions and implementation and action on the ground on women, peace and security issues.” Their Facebook page swings between sharing news of the major activities and campaigns undertaken by their partners and members, and key Violence Against Women news in countries like Egypt and Afghanistan where women suffer some of the highest levels of gender-based violence in the world.

Recommended Facebook Page #7: – Global

521820_625939720753972_1305007175_nGS.A is a counter-culture movement that raises awareness on social issues of violence, gender, and discrimination, and believes in the power of the internet to reach out. What began as an outlet to vent frustrations has now taken shape as an extensive movement through social networks online. Their Facebook page shares a wide range of anti-Violence Against Women news as well as a mix of feminist memes as well as videos that provoke discussion and thought not just about violence against women but gender inequality as a whole.

Recommended Facebook Page #8: – Haiti

haitianwomenHaitian Women Network is an advocacy group whose sole purpose is to campaign against abuse of young girls and women in Haiti, as well as to promote equality and dignity. On their Facebook page, they focus on sharing news about Haitian women’s rights, the progress in the rebuilding of Haiti after the earthquake, as well as news links about key violence against women issues and events from around the world.

Recommended Facebook Page #9 – New Light Kolkata – India

New LightNew Light is a non-profit community project based in Kalighat, Kolata, on of the oldest red light districts of the city.  Urmi Basu founded the organisation in 2000 to provide a variety of services and support for children, girls and women in the Kalighat community who are victims of trafficking, prostitution and other needs of women and girls. The New Light Facebook page provides updates about their work and campaigns, providing an insight about how working on the ground to help survivors of sex trafficking and forced prostitution is like in India.

Recommended Facebook Page #10: No – USA

no moreNO MORE is a movement centered on a powerful new symbol that brings together all people who want to end domestic violence and sexual assault. Like the peace sign, the yellow “support our troops” ribbon, the red AIDS ribbon, or the pink breast cancer ribbon, the goal of the NO MORE symbol is to help spark a national dialogue and move the issues of domestic violence and sexual assault higher on the public’s agenda. Their Facebook page features coverage on high profile celebrities supporting their cause through PSAs, quotes and speaking out publicly about domestic violence.

Recommended Facebook Page #11: Project Unbreakable – Global

418277_376923302326591_2098750611_nThe mission of Project Unbreakable is to increase awareness of the issues surrounding sexual assault and encourage the act of healing through art. Since the project’s conception in October 2011, it has featured over two thousand images of sexual assault survivors holding posters with quotes from their attackers. Project Unbreakable has been featured media outlets such as Glamour, TIME, The Huffington Post, and The Guardian. Unbreakable’s Facebook and Tumblr pages have thousands of photos from users of all races and ages and genders.

Recommended Facebook Page #12: Safe Dehli Campaign – India

39178_136190593088227_3163083_nThe Safe Delhi Campaign aims to mobilise people in the city to act and make a change. This campaign believes that women and girls have a right to live a life free from violence and fear, and that all of us have a role to play in making this a reality. This campaign focuses on strategies to create safer environments for women and girls, and ways of getting different groups of people in the city involved. On their Facebook page, they share news links, videos and informational graphics about safety apps for women and girls, urban planning for the safety of women and girls, as well as selected news about efforts by major anti-VAW organisations such as UN Women.

Recommended Facebook Page #13: The Invisible War – US 

TheInvisibleWarFBProfilePicThe Invisible War, directed and produced by Oscar and Emmy-nominated Kirby Dick and Emmy-nominated Amy Ziering, is a searing expose of the epidemic of rape of soldiers within the US military, the institutions that perpetuate and cover up its existence, and its profound personal and social consequences. Their Facebook page provides up-to-date information about media coverage and statistics of sexual assault in the military.

Recommended Facebook Page #14: The Pixel Project – Global

PixelProjectFacebookThe Pixel Project is a global, totally volunteer-based initiative with volunteers spread across the world. Their goal is to stimulate the fight against gender violence through volunteering, men’s involvement and fundraising. Its completely virtual platform encourages one to step outside the box and see what is happening all over the world, all while encouraging participation in what is happening at home. The Pixel Project’s Facebook page shares information from all over the globe, encourages thoughtful discussion and keeps their followers up to date on what’s happening in the fight against gender violence.

Recommended Facebook Page #15: UltraViolet – USA

66846_462267770509938_2074753454_nUltraViolet is a new and rapidly growing community of women and men across the U.S. mobilised to fight sexism and expand women’s rights, from politics and government to media and pop culture. UltraViolet works on a range of issues, including health care, economic security, violence, and reproductive rights. Their Facebook page, though U.S.-centric, reflects their mission very well as they share news and information about a wide range of issues including domestic violence against women and sexism in politics and the workplace.

Recommended Facebook Page #16: White Ribbon Campaign – Pakistan

557494_364314376940563_687138729_nThe concept of men working to end violence against women is not only novel in Pakistan, but internationally as well. It is challenging, keeping in view the social and religious context of the culture. The aim behind WRCP is to instill in men that masculinity does not lie in using power against women. Rather, it lies in channeling this power for building a better future for the society. Their Facebook page is focused on sharing news of their campaigns and projects in Pakistan, and they try to keep things upbeat with a smattering of positive quote pictures popping up fairly regularly.

Activism 101: 16 Notable VAW Organisations and Activists on Twitter That You Should Follow

Turbo-boosted into cyberspace, 2011 saw ‘The Arab Spring’ documented in real time. The tweets poured in- sometimes 50 at a time- as the people of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Bahrain- decided enough was enough. The Twittersphere has shown us, hope for a better future spreads like wild fire.

The growing movement to end violence against women (VAW) is a frontrunner in changing the world for the better through online people power.  The international 16 days of activism has showcased how countless anti-vaw charities have integrated Web 2.0 into their online strategies- holding governments to account on funds, law making and resources, and also galvanising ordinary men and women to put a stop to violence against women, for good. Continue reading

Activism 101: 16 Striking Campaigns for the Cause to End Violence Against Women

As we have noted and discussed time and time again, Violence Against Women (VAW) is an issue that is considered controversial, taboo and/or normal in many communities and cultures worldwide to the point where, depending on the community and culture, any of the following take place:

  • VAW is swept under the rug – characterised as a “private” family matter that should never be discussed in public.
  • VAW becomes the “elephant in the room” in public discourse whereby communities know who is doing the beating/who are the rapists/who is being cut etc but willfully turn a blind eye.
  • VAW is seen as too “triggering” or ugly a topic to be discussed in normal conversation even while the media and entertainment normalises and desensitises VAW.
  • VAW is ridiculed as a special interest issue – a “women’s issue” – even if women comprise half the planet’s population and are certainly not a minority/special interest group.
  • VAW is demonised as a feminist and sexist red herring by Male Rights Activists and other upholders of the patriarchal norm.